Joe x Reader - Parental Fantasies

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It's been one hell of a day and when he slides into bed it isn't with his usual greeting. Joe simply huffs, pulls the blanket over his shoulders and faces away from you - and it hurts, it really does, because he's upset with you. You'd rather slide out of bed, go downstairs and sleep on the couch... but the news you have bottled up inside of you is keeping you awake regardless; no use in attempting to dodge what cannot be ignored.

Time passes. The clock changes from one to two, then two to three and you feel heaviness weighing down on your lids that doesn't follow through as you lay there with your gaze fluttering like blinds in a breeze, unable to rest and relax. Hands come to stroke over your stomach, nerve makes you feel ill and your teeth come to snag over your lower lip as you feel a whimper coming on. You're pregnant - and you'd be over the moon had Joe not been so pissed with you.

Laying there in silence, you will yourself not to cry before the quiet is sliced through with a voice you haven't heard with such good temperament since the day before.

"'re still awake, aren't ya?"

For a moment, you wrestle with the idea of ignoring him. Why should you pay attention after having such a dreadful day with him? Still, how can you?

"...yeah," you whisper. The sound of him shuffling to face you has relief swamping your gut whole. You don't turn, decide to lay there until you feel the coil of his arms around your stomach. Joe pulls you in, presses a gentle kiss to your temple and sighs as his throaty whisper in your ear sends shivers down your spine.

"I'm sorry, baby." The apology is so clean-cut, so fine and delicate that you can't resist turning in his grip and stroking his face, fingers sliding through the sides of his hair as you press your nose against his, then your lips. Tiredly, the Joker kisses you back softly, arms tightening around you as you come to rest against his body with a sigh of relief as your lips begin to move more fervently.

"Joey–" You try to speak up as kisses trail down your chin and to your neck, senses alight with both pleasure and worry as he sucks on your pulse point hard enough to leave a mark. Softly, you moan, push your body closer... and then pull back so that you're out of his reach. "I can't..."

He stops, pulls back with a flush on his face. You can tell when he's desperate for you, heavy breathing and half-lidded eyes as he regards you. "'re not still mad, are ya? I said I–"

"I'm not mad," you interrupt softly, stroking down his face and he narrows his eyes slightly in confusion. The dark of the room highlights his touch as his fingers rest on your side, head tilting against the pillow; he knows you're holding something back. "I'm– not angry. I'm– Joey, I'm pregnant."

Joe's gaze softens, mouth opening to say something but no words come out. "I– that's... that's not possible, [Y/N]..."

"No, it is," you reiterate, smile beginning to shape your lips. "I am. Checked with the doctor and everything. Five weeks."

Gatto lays there in silence... before a breathless laugh passes his lips. "...really...?" he whispers, a smile so genuine forming on his face that you have to choke back tears of happiness. This is all you've ever wanted with him, to start a family and take on the world together; to raise a child together, to have something that just the two of you shared. "...we're gonna have a kid, [Y/N]..."

You just nod, holding him tightly as he hugs you so hard the breath leaves your lungs. He laughs, graciously, sound carrying the sound of grateful tears as he buries his face in your shoulder and allows himself to be swept in emotion. With more resonance, he looks up, takes your face in his hands.

"We're gonna have a kid!"

Giggling, your head nods and tears do prick at your eyes then for his excitement is so tangible you can't contain it any longer. "You're gonna be a dad, Joey. And I'm gonna be a mom."

He kisses you quickly on the lips, motions fast and fleeting, syllables of love passing his lips as he does. "I–" Kiss. "–love you–" Kiss. "–so SO much!"

"I know," you reply softly, lips moving against his. "I love you too. And this kid, we're gonna love it so much it knows it for the rest of its life."

Hands raise to wipe at the corners of your eyes, forehead resting against yours as he nods his head and smiles a gut-wrenchingly sweet smile.

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