Sal x Reader - Wrong Assumptions

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"Sal, I have something to tell you..."

Sal has prepared himself for this let-down for months now. He'd liked to have kidded himself further, to have pretended for just a little longer... but there's no way he has a chance with somebody like you. It's obvious you're closer to Q than you are to him.

His fingers wring in his lap. What is he supposed to do, sit there and wait for the words to scald him from the inside out? Or square up to it, face it head on, like a man. God, he hates that phrase; why the fuck should he have to face up toanything simply because it's what is entailed in being masculine? It always fucks him over immensely for he's rather timid in nature.

"I... I really like you, Sal."

"I know, I know, I just– wait–" The Joker pauses, eyes fluttering in the form of rapid blinking. Surely he hadn't heard you right... surely his mind was just playing tricks on him courtesy of him begging for it to be true; the heart wants what it wants, even when what it wants is something it cannot have. Apprehensively, he adjusts his glasses. "...what?"

By now, your cheeks are burning red, hands clasping in front of you nervously. "Um– I-I know it's weird since we've been friends for ages but... I can't help how I feel about you, Sal. I thought... if I kept it hidden any more, I'd never have the courage to say anything."

His mouth is agape as if to say something... but no words come out. Eventually, he settles for blurting: "You don't like Q?"

A tense moment of silence fills the air between you, your eyebrows slowly dipping with confusion. Sal has always loved that expression on you, so cute and unsuspecting; he'd often fantasised that such a face would be what you looked at him with if he was to kiss you by surprise. Then, a bark of laughter escapes you.

"...Q? No way, he's like my brother!" And with a slightly more guilty countenance: "...that's why I spent so much time with him recently. I needed to tell someone how I felt. Talking to him when he was playing one of his video games was like talking to a brick wall but it helped, got it all out."

Sal just stares at you, head slowly shaking with disbelief as a smile begins to creep onto his face. "I–I've liked you for months, [Y/N]."

"S-So, I... we–"

And that's all you get out before Sal takes your face in his hands and kisses you full on the lips, heart hammering in his chest as your interrupted words turn into a soft sigh of lust; and not a sexual kind, but an incredibly personal kind, the type of longing that he'd only known in his pining for you. The sound sets him alight, electrifies his very being as he tilts his head and kisses you more deeply.

After a moment, he pulls away from you as far as your nose, the pair of you breathing hard with half-lidded gazes. Intense eye contact has sparks fizzling between you as you both lean in again, meeting mouths with a tiny moan shared between you, desperate to taste the other on one another's lips again. Your hands move to caress his face, fingers trailing temptingly over his short beard and Sal shuffles in closer, larger hands settling on the small of your back.

As you kiss, now more heatedly, tongues meshing together with an element of exploration to your motions that wasn't there before, your hands move from his face to his soft hair, arms resting on his shoulders so that they can run up the back of his head. Sal hates his hair being messed up - but when you do it, it brings him nothing but pleasure. To feel the pads of your fingers scrape lightly along his scalp as he kisses you at his leisure... it makes him moan softly, and the sound is among the sexiest you've ever heard.

Finally, reluctantly, the pair of you pull apart to breathe, nuzzling one another's noses as you feel one of his hands slide over your own. Tiny kisses are delivered as he murmurs his promises of adoration, you leaning back enough to take a look at his hair. It's all over the place and you can't help but smile fondly, though you lips are soon back at work as he kisses you yet again.

"I've been waiting..." Kiss. " do that..." Kiss. "...for a long time now..."


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