Murr x Reader - Forbidden

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Murr makes you feel loved.

And that's why, even though you're in a relationship with Brian, you spend so much time with him you're falling in love. Q had been a fling you'd grown just a little too fond of... but now that things had been made official you'd seen exactly why he was only meant to be a fling. The truth of the matter was, you weren't compatible living together in the slightest.

Walking you to your front door, Murr lets go of your arm - having just taken you to a fancy dinner - and reluctantly watches you go inside. Hovering by the door, you watch as he stays in place, feet shuffling as if he wants to leave but can't bring himself to.

"I had a really good time tonight, [Y/N]," he says earnestly, eyeing you as a smile shapes his jaw favourably. You want nothing more than to lean in and kiss him... but you think better of it. No matter how unhappy about it you are, you haven't called things off with Q yet and it feels wrong. You're not a scumbag. "Uh, we should do it again some time... some time soon."

"Yeah," you agree, nodding your head. "...goodnight, James."

"Goodnight, [Y/N]..."

James turns to walk away, waits for the click of the door to signal his cue... but it never comes. You're standing there staring at him, willing him to turn back to you... and that's exactly what he does, dropping his dress jacket on the side of the porch before stalking towards you, taking your face in his hands and kissing you fully on the lips.

Relief swarms you like butterflies do flowers, heart thumping as you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him senselessly. Tongues explore one another, soft moans fill the spaces between you whenever you come apart to breathe. He's so satisfying against you, the warmth of his body gratifying you to the point in which your knees shake as you cling to him, scratching lightly up the back of his neck and pushing through his low-cut hair.

Coming apart, he stares at you with lustful eyes and the expression makes you tense up because it's so impossibly sexy that you almost throw caution to the wind, invite him in and make love to him right there on the spot.

"I've been wanting to do that forever..." Murr admits in a whisper, voice shaking and teetering on the edge of sin itself. You stroke down his face, kiss him breathlessly in between words.

"I wish you'd done it sooner, James. I wish you'd done it sooner. Kiss me again, please..."

So maybe you are a scumbag after all.

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