All x Reader - How They Kiss You For the First Time

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The first time you and Brian kiss would be during a movie night. He'd be cuddled close to you on the couch, your head in his lap while his fingers work absentmindedly through your hair, a film neither of you are really paying attention to blaring listlessly while the television illuminates the room. You'd stare up at him, watching him stare at the screen with a look of forced fixation... before he glances downwards to find you gazing up at him with those eyes he's come to love so much. There would be a silence, full and thick, and you swear you could get lost in those dark eyes of his... before he leans down and presses his mouth softly to yours. He'd pull back a couple of seconds later, the television lighting your face enough for him to see that your gaze is half-lidded and heavy, blush adorning your cheeks and he can hardly resist doing it again.

The first time you and Sal kiss would be after a particularly disgusting punishment of his. He'd be scrubbing at his hands, trying to rid himself of filth and you'd be waiting patiently, knowing how stressed he gets over being any kind of dirty. Once he's done, he'll turn to find you still there and offering him a towel to dry off - and he'll be touched, well and truly, because he hadn't expected anybody to wait that long. Sal would move towards you to take the towel and dry his hands... but his gaze doesn't leave you and he notices that, after a short while of returning his stare, you avert your eyes to stare at the ground instead, appearing embarrassed under his scrutiny. He'd take it upon himself to lift your chin to meet your eyes once more, finding himself far too in love with the way your cheeks fuel red when he looks at you, before he leans in and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. When you try to ask him why Sal simply covers your mouth with his once more and kisses you harder.

The first time you and Joe kiss would be during a date that has sidetracked into a walk through the town, you stopping to marvel at the sunset on the way back from the doughnut shop. He'd come to stand beside you and you automatically lean your head against his shoulder, feeling his hand wrap around your coat-clad arm a moment later. He'd always wanted to hold you close like this, since you'd first met, and it's with an amount of pride that he does so, even daring to tug you closer when a content sigh leaves your mouth. Joe would ask you why you'd stopped and you would reply that you wanted to look at the sunset because it was beautiful; he'd make a cheesy comment about it 'not being as beautiful as you' and you'd laugh - because that's what Joe Gatto does, he makes you laugh. Your head would shift on his shoulder so that you're gazing up at him and he'd glance down curiously, brow raised, before a bashful smile takes over his face. With only a tiny pause, he'd lean in and give you a small kiss on the lips, trying to 'play it cool' as he shrugs at you as if it's no big deal - you'd disagree and pull him in again.

The first time you and Murr kiss would be on the morning of a cold winter's day. You always wake up alongside him, wanting to see him off as he leaves to meet his friends and perform the pranks they're famous for. As he's readying himself, slipping his coat, hat and gloves on, you find his scarf and tap his shoulder to get his attention. When Murr turns to face you, he's relieved to see that you've found the last article of clothing that he'd been missing and you lean in close to wrap it around his neck for him, fabric threading through your fingers and skimming the tempting skin of his neck a few times before it's covered. Even when it's been put on, you don't let go - he's caught you in a deep gaze and you can't pull yourself to look away, hands still clinging to the scarf before he gives you a slow smile and murmurs 'thanks...' before hesitantly inching his head towards you and pressing a grateful kiss to your lips. You'd freeze up, as if the cold outside has found its way into your nerves and frozen them stiff... but you feel your eyes closing with contentment as Murr's soft treatment warms you right back up again. He'd pull away reluctantly, chuckling as he has to ease your hands off of his scarf so he can leave. As he's one foot out of the door, he turns back to look at you and gives you an adorable smile, the one where his eyes crinkle with warmth and his cheeks raise high, before he assures you he'll 'see you later'.

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