All x Reader - How They Hold Your Hand

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Q would hold your hand tightly. Possessive and even somewhat broody in his approach, Q always makes sure that his palm is meshed tightly against yours and that you walk closely together because of it. More relaxed at home, he'll gently lock your hands together, the balls of your palms squashed together so that it tickles, making you giggle. He lives for that giggle.

Sal would hold your hand secretively. He likes to keep his private life private and you've come to respect that more than ever. However, because of this need for privacy, you've developed sweet little gestures that are the equivalent of hand-holding for the pair of you: locking pinkies as you walk (keeping them lodged between the pair of you so that you're meshed together down the sidewalk) is one of your favourites.

Joe would hold your hand overtly. If there's a guy who likes to declare 'hey guys, look at this fabulous girl on my arm!', it's Joe. He does anything to draw attention to your tightly-locked fingers, swinging your arms while you walk and bringing the back of your hand to his lips to brush his lips over your knuckles, sometimes one at a time and sometimes in one playful swoop.

Murr would hold your hand romantically. He's a drop-dead romantic at heart, likes an element of chivalry in his actions and so you'll lock hands together with your wrists crossed and your fingers interlaced. Sometimes you'll bump into his side gently in order to get him to loosen up - and he'll laugh and just hold your fingers between his, eventually coming nearer to you to give his arm to you.

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