Joe x Reader - Nosing

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"So, just how far does nosing extend?"

It's an innocent question, one that has him turning his head to regard you, remote disregarded as he smiles and shrugs his shoulders. Joe had practically stumbled into perfection when he'd met you, for he had come across somebody who adored the feature he despised the most. He leans forward, buries his nose in your hair and grins.

"I can do countless things with this thing," he replies smoothly, pressing a kiss to your temple and smiling when you turn your head and peck the tip of his nose. Heat raises to your cheeks as you poke it, sending him backing up slightly with a fond little curve of his lips. You slide into his lap, running a finger finely down the bridge of his nose as you lightly grind against him. The Joker raises his eyebrows, feels a devilish half-smirk shaping his lips.

"Somehow, I doubt the integrity of that statement," you purr, a cheeky grin forming on your face as you begin to kiss his jaw. "Bet you can't." Your lips trail down his throat, tongue trailing over his Adam's apple and teeth coming to scratch lightly over his skin. When you feel his fingers hook in the waistband of your pants and underwear alike, you swallow hard.

Joe chuckles softly. "I feel like you're purposefully pushin' me, [Y/N]..."

"Maybe I am."

Not responding kindly to such a premise, the Joker moves and sprawls you on the couch, tugging your pants and underwear down your legs with a grin. He loves surprise sex being sprung on him, spontaneity is extremely attractive to the man and he values your contributions to his energetic regime.

Giggling sweetly as he slips your shirt and bra to your neck, your legs hooking lightly around his waist as he leans in and rolls a nipple with his tongue. A soft sigh leaves you, arms raising and stroking the back of his head, fingers lightly curling in his hair and making sure he stays close. Joe's knowing chuckle sends shivers cartwheeling down your spine.

The warmth of his mouth against your nipple has you moaning quietly, eyes sliding shut as you begin to feel warmth pooling in your stomach. It's no longer jovial, his motions becoming heavier and more encompassing - and you love it, you really do, arch yourself into him a little more as his nose nudges against the aforementioned nipple. It shoots a jolt of electricity down your spine.

"Like I said," Gatto breathes, gaze shifting to look up at you before he nudges you with his nose once more, hand coming to squeeze your neglected breast with a fine amount of cheekiness. "I can do countless things with my nose."

Giggling breathlessly, you tug him up and kiss him on the mouth, rubbing the side of your nose against his own whenever you come apart to breathe.

"Mm, I'm gonna need more convincing..."

"Of course you are." Joe laughs lightly, the sound low in his throat as he leans down and begins to kiss down your stomach. His lips leave a fine trail of tingles before he reassigns his nose to the places he had mapped and sets them alight as you squirm and grasp at his hair. The brush of the tip of his nose making its way over your skin... it has you trembling weakly, lips agape as you gasp softly.

Further and further down he trails, before you feel his gentle breaths against the place you need him most. A quiet huff of frustration brings him to earth, has him sticking his tongue out and edging your entrance teasingly. As good as the thought of his tongue inside of you is, it's not what you want.

"I-I didn't ask about your mouth. I asked about your nose," you remind him, voice teetering on the edge of anticipation as you lay there and wait for him to begin. A level sigh... and then the very tip of his nose comes to brush against your clit. Immediately, you feel fire, You've never been able to explain what is so attractive about the Joker's nose, only that the shape and overall appearance of it catches your attention almost as quickly as his breath-taking eyes do. "Mmm... more please, Joey..."

You're cooing pleadingly and Joe regards you in kind, head shifting up and down as he nudges the bundle of nerves with the tip of his nose. His movements become firmer, slower as they drag out the swipe of his flesh against your wet bud, a knowing smirk shaping his jaw as he proceeds. And you, you're quivering, urging him on, the very feeling of him on you in such a personal and unique way enough to have you gasping for air as your finish approaches. He hadn't had to do that much - perhaps, any other time, you'd have been embarrassed, but for now it suits you, his name tumbling breathlessly past your lips as you reach your end.

Your lover is good about it too, keeps on nuzzling against your hyper-sensitive nub as you seize up beneath him and cry out with a pleasure you can't describe. Having a desire fulfilled, an intricately personal one that nobody else could have delivered, it makes you feel that much closer to him. His tongue comes into play too, licking you clean with triumph as he coaches your orgasm along with such dexterity that it makes you weak all over again.

Joe comes up from between your legs, nudges your jaw with his damp nose and leaves a lazy trail of nibbles up to your ear. Teeth tug on your lobe tauntingly.

"Enjoyed yourself, baby?" Joe murmurs, grin evident in the way he presses a tender kiss to the soft spot just below your ear. Smiling, you nod your head and crack your eyes open to look a him as he hovers above you. Gatto cracks a winning smile. "I told ya I could do countless things with this nose."

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