Joe x Reader - Period Day

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"Ow, ow owwwwwww–"

You're moaning uselessly, body curling in on itself before you send yourself rolling off of the couch and onto the floor. The jolt to your back makes you grunt though it's got nothing on the way your cramps are making your abdomen seize up. Hands clutch your stomach and the feeling of stewing in your own filthmakes you unreasonably upset.

Joe peeks his head in, presumably at the thud on the floor before he sees you laying there and approaches you. Head tilted down, you can hardly help yourself: you picture him dominating you. It's the only thing that makes the pain bearable, the only image that has you seeing anything but flashes of unconsciousness. Because despite the bleeding, you're so turned on whenever he's around; this time of the month often ends up in lots of sexual frustration due to wanting sex but not being able to have it.

"You okay, baby?" Joe asks, crouching down as his forearms rest on his knees. Knowing he means well doesn't stop the sour purse of your lips, the meanglower you cast up at him from the ground you so hopelessly lay on.

"Do I look okay?"


"I'm bleeding. I'm in pain - does that make you feel better?"

When all he does is regard you with that same looks, slightly pitying and with a hint of annoyance for he's only trying to help you, you clamber to your knees and lay your head in his lap with a dramatic groan. Joe sighs, places a hand on your head and strokes through your hair softly. Apparently this irritates you for you catch his wrist and tell him 'no'.

"Don't come near me, I stink."

"[Y/N], you've had a shower and a bath today, you smell fine."

Gatto slides into a sitting position, supporting your head with his hand as he lowers himself fully onto the ground and sets you back in his lap. Crawling towards him, you lean up on your hands and knees and kiss him forcefully, aggression staining your movements raw as he sits there shell-shocked. Eventually, Joe finds the strength to move his lips against your own but as soon as he begins to settle into the unforgiving rhythm you've set up for him, you tear away and ram into him, knocking him backwards onto the floor. With a soft 'oof', Gatto stares up at you as you straddle him and lean down to kiss at his neck.

The Joker swallows hard, hands making their way to your back and stroking encouragingly. God, you're getting more and more horny with every action you perform, every breath you take laced with a primitive need that neither of you are used to. When you bite at his neck, the male moans overtly and slides his hands over your ass, pushing you closer to him.

Pulling back with a grunt, you look at him with heavy eyes and equally heavy breaths, staring at the marks that adorn his flesh, gazing at the way his chest rises and falls, takes in how anticipation lines his face as his lower regions begin to harder under your weight. It's such a tantalising spectacle that your lower lip is caught between your teeth as you look down at him, hands planted on his stomach.

And then, with a sigh that carries the weight of a thousand unshed tears, you pull off of him and dig the heels of your palm into your aching belly. "I can't."

Joe sits up, clears his throat and pulls you closer. You're so temperamental when you're on your period, so damn testy... and yet he can't help but like it. Your firm nature, though unpredictable, gives him an amount of excitement he isn't used to, especially when he finds himself in more submissive roles.

"I'm being such a bitch," you whine, feeling sorry for yourself as he holds you close and kisses the top of your head. He doesn't disagree... but he knows better than to say anything; just lets you get it out as you curl in his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, Joey... it's just hurting."

"Shh," Joe coos, shifting into a standing position with you in his arms. "It doesn't matter. Let me fix you some food that'll do you good, all right? Somethin' high in potassium, maybe?"

You give him a look that says 'I don't give a flying fuck what's in it' and he chuckles softly, placing you down on the couch and kneeling beside it, pulling your shirt up over your stomach so that he can press a soft array of kisses over your warm flesh. The rate at which he cares... it doesn't stop the cramps but it certainly makes a rush of warmth override them, sweet smile curving his lips as he looks up at you, slides your shirt back down and then stands up.

"Hang in there, baby. Only a couple of days of pain left."

"Let me just stamp on your dick so you can be in a 'couple of days of pain'."

But the smile you give him afterwards is so sweet, so grateful, that the vicious words have no meaning to him at all. Joe just chuckles, shrugs and makes his way into the kitchen.

So damn testy. And Joe Gatto loves it.

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