Sal x Reader - Not My Type

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You want to get away. But how can you excuse yourself from the stranger without being a total douche about it? You're laughing out of discomfort- though you must admit, it's a genuine smile that he provokes whenever he stumbles over his words and apologises - and, based on the rate at which time is ticking by, Sal is not happy about having to stop so that a random man can speak to you.

"So, [Y/N], are you in town for long or...?"

You take this as an opportunity to excuse yourself, and you would have successfully had Sal not entered your line of vision and wrapped an arm around your shoulder before you could get the words out.

"She's not from here. We're travelling together," Sal comments, and you notice it's with a clipped tone that he does. The slight arch in is brow, as if he's sizing the other man up for future reference, and the light purse of his lips as he reluctantly waits for a response from the stranger pinpoints to only one thing; one thing that, to you, seems impossible.

Sal Vulcano is jealous.

"Oh, well, lucky you! Getting to travel with such a sweet girl and all," the stranger replies, wide grin on his face as he takes a step backwards and away from the pair of you. As if Sal had imposed some kind of boundary between the pair of them - and more importantly, between you and him. "Well, I better be off. Catch you later, guys."

Sal gives a curt nod though the smile he offers doesn't reach his eyes. Slowly, as he releases you and turns to walk on the route you'd both decided on earlier, you catch him up and tug on his shirt, getting him to stop. Eyes close and his lower lip is caught between his teeth as he waits for the inevitable question.

"What was up with you back there?"

"I didn't like the way he was talking to you," Sal replies snippily, turning his head so that you can't see his features, staring out across the road. Persevering, you stand on your tiptoes to reach the side of his face in which is turned away from you, making him look at you. Sal scowls, reaching a hand up to re-balance his glasses on his nose. "...fine, the way he was looking at you."

"Sal Vulcano!" you exclaim, mouth opening in disbelief before you accusingly point a finger at him. "He was being sweet as hell and you know it!"

The Joker huffs, averts his gaze away from you. "Fine. I didn't want to stand here and watch him sweet-talk you."

Rolling your eyes, you lean up towards him and kiss him square on the mouth. His eyes widen, blinking innocently, colour rushing to his cheeks before his eyes flutter closed and his mouth begins to move softly against yours. It's with flickering lids that you leave him standing there, as if he can't believe what has just happened. You throw a cheeky wink over your shoulder.

"He wasn't my type anyway."

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