part 2

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I got out of bed took a long hot shower, when I got out I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and put on my pink Sundress with my sandals.

I'm not the girl who does all that make-up stuff, I mean when my mom was alive I use too. But she told me I was to beautiful to hide my face with that non sense.

I ran down stairs and warmed a plate of waffles up and ate them. I was about to be late for school.

"Hey " Kayla said brushing past me.

"Hey? When you'd get here? " I asked curious.

"Last night ". She said opening the door. I saw Nicholas truck parked in the front of our house. Kayla turned to me "You want a ride."

"No I'll walk I like the fresh air. " I lied

She shrugged her shoulders and gave me an innocent smile before getting in the truck.

Truth was I didn't really want to have the awkward moment of riding with them.

When I got to school I walked into my advanced math class. Nicholas is a junior but though I'm a freshman I'm taking this class too.

"Why are you late? " Ms.Tori asked.

"I'm sorry I had a lot going on." I said sitting at my desk.

She rolled her eyes and continued her lesson.

"Hey, hey cutest girl in our school. " Nate said, he's Nicholas step brother. Nate has short blonde hair and the perfect body. The only problem is he's a known player and he has girls falling all over him. The only good thing about him is he's smart, just with a bunch of dumb friends.

"My name is Blair." I said sarcastically, acting as though I was annoyed I turned from him and open my book.

"Don't talk to her. " Nicholas scolded giving nate a evil look.

"Calm down I'm not going to move in on her, atleast not yet. " Nate said high fiving his friends.

I looked at Nicholas who was blood shot red then I started to do my work.

The bell rung and I headed to lunch with my two best friends Candy and Olivia.

"So have you told Kayla about you and Nicholas yet? " Candy asked rubbing her hands through her red hair.

"What about them? " I heard Kayla say walking to my lunch table with her friends Molly and Marcie.

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