Awards Show

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Harry Styles

I called the flight attendant and demanded she bring the first aid kit immediately. Erica's arm was covered in blood and she was now taking uneven choppy breathes as she lightly traced over her arm.

"What the hell?" she repeated over and over again as she stared at her arm.

"I'll clean this up, please let Louis look through the security tapes," I said quickly as I grabbed the first aid kit.

The attendant was clearly mortified by what happened and nodded before she went back to the security room. Paul and a few other guards searched every inch of the plane as the rest of the boys gathered around us.

I took out some cotton and alcohol and gently rubbed it against her skin. I had to clean the cut before it got infected. As the cotton went over the open cut, Erica inhaled a sharp breath. Her eyes began to water as I wrapped her arm with a white bandage.

"You'll be okay," I reassured her.

She just nodded as she stared blankly ahead of her. Paul pulled the other boys away from us as he gave them stern instructions on what to do when they got off the plane. This was the first time the boys and I had shared a plane right together since the X Factor days. Paul got news that fans surrounded the entire airport and we'd have to jog to the van and leave immediately to the hospital to make sure Erica's arm wasn't infected.

"She was here," Erica whispered next to me. "I was talking to her. I tried to stop her."

She kept whispering about her dream but she got quieter and quieter till I couldn't hear what she was saying anymore. She just shook her head and went through her dream over and over again.

I reached over and gave her shoulder a squeeze. She relaxed and leaned into my body as she simply closed her eyes.

"We're going to have to head out now," I said gently. "Can you walk out?"

She nodded and slowly got up from her seat. Niall, Liam and Zayn had gotten out and were on their way to the car while Louis waited for us. He reached out and wrapped his arm around Erica's waist and walked her down the aisle. I trailed behind them as I took one last glance at the spots where we slept.

The door to exit was open and the screams were getting louder by the second. Louis stepped down from the stairs followed by Erica and then me. Paul was behind me with all our bags. Erica tried to hide her bandaged arm inside her sweater as Louis tried to distract the crowd as he waved and smiled to the fans. I placed my hand on her lower back and gently pushed her a little faster to head into the car. As soon as she sat inside I walked over to Louis. We hugged it out and smiled at the fans. Thought if we steered up some Larry drama no one would notice our puffy red eyes and shaking arms. I gave the fans one last wave before I sat inside.


We rushed to the hospital right from the airport. New York traffic got the best of us as we waited on a crowded street to make a final right into the hospital. Paul had another guard drive a similar van off into another direction to confuse fans and not follow us.

Erica's arm was still bleeding and the blood was seeping through the white bandage. She tried to put on a brave face but would let out a tiny yelp every time the driver hit the brakes that caused her to jerk her arm a little.

Louis had her wrapped in his arms as she snuggled up against him. He was singing to her to calm her down. His fingers gently played with her brown hair as she just closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.

When we finally got to the hospital, Will one of our managers had already gotten a team of doctors set up waiting for us. They took Erica in immediately and left us waiting in the lobby. Paul called the hotel and they had sent us cars to take us there. Niall, Liam and Zayn were all tired and left to head to the hotel as Louis and I stayed back.

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