My New Victim

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Erica Swan:

"Erica, you get your ass in this office now!" Elena yelled. 

I pulled my phone away from my ears. She could be the reason I am losing my hearing at age 19!

"Calm down Elena, you will love what I found out about Zack Efron!" I squealed.

"Zack Efron aye?" She questioned, finally calming down and lowering her voice.

"Yeah, you know the gorgeous, tall, dark, and handsome fellow who filmed 'The Lucky One'?" I replied, and walked into her office.

I hung up and flopped myself on her comfortable yet expensive leather couch.

"What is your dirt then?" She asked, curious on what I found out.

"Well, pretty boy has been busy with his co star and now she is pregnant!" I exclaim, although this sort of stuff always happens in Hollywood.

"Cheating and getting someone pregnant? Hmm... That's juicy, I like it!" Elena said, and nodded approvingly, "I have another victim for you, though; Harry Styles," she said, and looked at me.

"God Elena, you don't mean that curly haired womanizer from that obnoxious boy band?" I groaned.

"Ding Ding Ding! Yes, that lovely lad," she replied, "I want the dirt on him. I want to know what makes him tick... And his bad boy side," she said.

"Well, you want everyone's deep dark secret... What else is new?" I said and laughed.

Everyone hates paparazzi, but we are humans too you know? I landed this job last year, right after High School, and can I say its not that bad. I get paid a lot, I don't have to sit in a cubical all day, and I travel the world.

"Harry Styles, teenage heartthrob, every girl's prince charming.... I want his dark side," Elena continued, "his dirty secret, something to make him look like the foolish 19 year old he is," Elena said and smirked.

"Fine, I'll stalk that idiot, but I better get paid double for this! He may be a total ass, but he has millions of hormonal crazed girls who would personally arrange my funeral when I expose him!" I said and grabbed the iPad set on the coffee table.

Twitter was my favorite site; I got all my information on there. Fans make my life so much easier, and they don't even realize it. I scrolled through my newsfeed only to see:

"OMG Haylor is in NYC!"

"Harry and Taylor are in Central Park right now, I'm going to die!"

"Haylor are on a date in central park!"

Do you see why I love those hormonal obsessed fans? They save me time. All I have to do is log on to twitter to know where my victims are!

I sighed and logged off. I placed the IPad back on the table, and grabbed my favorite Nixon 3200 camera. I said goodbye to Elena and left Gossip Magazine building, heading to Central Park. This is going to be a fun day...

As I got to Central Park, I noticed that there were not many fans around. 

"That's weird" I thought.

That's when I saw them, there were patrol cars at every entrance to the park.

"God, that idiot and his high maintenance girlfriend had the park secured!" I muttered.

I parked my car a block from the park, and decide to walk by the entrance. After a year in doing what I do, I picked up a few tricks. My acting level is pretty good, acting naïve and innocent was literally second nature to me now.  

"Excuse me sir?" I whispered to the police man.

"Yes?" He said and turned his attention to me.

"I was hoping to take a quick stroll through the park but I see its being secured, what's going on?" I asked. My voice was smooth and even.

"Haven't you heard? Harry Styles is taking his girlfriend Taylor Swift on a walk. So, we are protecting the entrances from obsessed fans," He replied and eyed me up and down. He sighed and said," but you don't look like a fan. So, I guess I can let you go."

"Really? Thank you so much, sir. I have to leave to Detroit in a few hours and wanted to see a few sights of New York before I left. Thank you so much!" I lied, giving him a big smile.

The police man nodded and let me through. I walked by, and after a few feet in, I sighed a breathe of relief. I made it in, now all I had to do was find the "deeply in love" couple. They were not very hard to find; I could hear Taylor from a hundred feet away.

"Harry, you need to kiss me! We need to make it believable!" Taylor yelled.

"Taylor, calm down! You are scaring Lux!" Harry said, his voice calm but you could sense his anger that started to rise.

"Why did you have to bring her anyway?" Taylor hissed.

I slowly crept toward where they were. They were in the middle of the park. Nobody was around, it was just Taylor, Harry, and a baby. I noticed Harry had the baby in his arms and rocked her to sleep, while Taylor stood a foot away with her arms crossed over her chest. She stood tapping her foot, red-faced.

"Because, Modest taught the press would love to see us having a date with Lux!" Harry growled. The baby had fallen asleep so Harry had finally shown Taylor how pissed he was.

"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you," Taylor hissed.

"Feeling mutual babe," Harry replied, his voice soaked with sarcasm.

I hid behind a tree and listened in on them fighting. It was quite entertaining actually. But this stupid tree was the home of a stupid squirrel, and that stupid squirrel decided to land right on my head! I shrieked and fell down. The squirrel jumped from my head and ran away.

"Who's there?" Harry yelled.

My heart pounded in my chest while I looked around. I saw a bush that was a few feet away from the tree, so I jumped up and ran toward it. I hide behind the bush just in time. Harry ran toward the tree and looked around. He stopped by the tree, bending down and picking something up.

"Shit," I muttered when I realized that he had my phone. I probably dropped it when ran to the bush.

"Hey, if your still there, you dropped your phone!" He yelled again, and looked around.

I slowly stood up from the bush. He noticed me and stared. He didn't really make any movement, so I decided to go to him. I slowly made my way to him and put my hand out.

"This is yours?" he asked.

"Well, considering its my face on the lock screen, yes it is," I said and rolled my eyes at his stupid question.

He laughed and handed it over. I took my phone and started to walk away when he grabbed my hand.

"Hey, uh how much of that did you hear?" he asked, he looked nervous.

"Not much, seems like you and your girlfriend need help," I replied and wiggled out of his grip.

"You won't tell will you?" he asked, he bit his lip and he stared right at me. It started to make me uncomfortable.

"Of course not. Who do you think I am, paparazzi?" I replied, giving him a fake laugh. He had let go of my arm so I walked away.


First Chapter! WHOOT WHOOT! what did you guys think? Like it? I added Haylor in here, but i promise its not part of the whole story! How do you like Erica so far?

Please Comment/Vote and recommend! (:

Update soon!


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