Now What?

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Louis Tomlinson:

My breath was caught in my throat as I shoved the door open. Everything seemed to be exactly the way I left it. The empty coffee cups by the table, messy couch where I had thrown my blanket and some sweats.

Ansley lay in bed, the way I last saw her. The monitors next to her, beeped ever so often indicated that she was still alive. I let out a sigh of relief as I slumped onto the couch. The rest of the boys had gone back home to their families before the tour started soon.

I hummed quietly to myself as I logged onto twitter. I hadn't been on for a couple of days so I decided to just tweet something to relive the worried fans. As I began typing, my phone chimmed indicating a famous person had mentioned me. I deleted the draft and checked the tweet. Surprise, surprise it was the one and only Tom. Why cant he just let things go?

I checked his tweet and began to furiously tweet back when I remembered what management had told me. I scraped the tweet and just tweeted the fans. "Sometimes you just gotta move on. Be mature and get over shit. On a brighter note, thanks for the wonderful support cant wait to see you guys in concert soon! x"

I was about to reach for my phone when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I quickly look up to see Ansley had moved her fingers! I jumped out of the couch and ran toward her bed. Her eyes were still sealed, and her face didn't change the expression she left. There had been a twitch of her fingers I know it.

Harry Styles:

"Erica!" I woke her up.

"Argh, don't touch me!" she yelled and pushed my hand away.

"Get off your ass have some breakfast!" I yelled back.

"Where are we?" she asked groggily.

"Still on the plane," I replied.

"When will we reach London?" she asked, as she pulled her seat to a sitting position.

"Soon," I muttered as I gazed out the window.


As soon as the plane landed, I grabbed Erica's stuff and mine and walked out. Erica dragged her feet behind me. Right as we stepped off the plain, we could hear the ear splicing screams of the fans. They literally had surrounded the airport!

"I hate you," Erica hissed before shoving me aside and walked into the building.

"Feelings mutual!" I yelled as I dragged our stuff.

Paul had arranged a car to meet us by the enterance. Security lined up by the doors waiting for us. With a quick nod, they surrounded us and pushed past the screaming fans to the car.

"Their bloody mad!" Erica screamed in my ear.

I laughed and shrugged. I loved how insane the fans got, it was cute. I waved at a few of them and smiled often. I knew how much little things like those meant to them. We finally reached the car, and I slide inside to make room for Erica.

"If I go deaf, you are paying for my medical bills," Erica screamed.

"Haha alright love," I laughed.

"Shut up," she huffed.

I sighed, we are never going to get along were we? I looked out the window as the car pulled out of the airport. We were headed straight to the hospital. I was in sort of a dilemma, I didn't know if I should bring Erica to the hospital or leave her at the flat I rented out for her.

"To the flat first!" I told the driver.

"Flat?" Erica asked surprised.

"You're gonna live with me remember and I'm not really that interested in you so you'll be living in the flat next to mine," I explained.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yup," I replied and popped my 'p'

"Have I mentioned how much I hated you," she scoffed.

"Have I mentioned how much I didn't care?" I smirked.

She was about to reply when her phone rang. She grabbed it out of her pocket and immediately answered. 

"Derek, you've got to h-" I pulled the phone away from her before she could say anything else.

"Erica? Erica! What's wrong?" I heard Derek yell through the phone. "Erica, I think we should break up. Its just not going to be fair for you to not see me for so long. I'm off to find Ansley, I don't know how long it would take. I'm sorry. You deserve better. Goodbye." Derek said and hung up.

It was really awkward after he hung up. I had the phone on speaker, and it was in my hand. Erica's jaw dropped, her eyes wide and face red. My face started to turn red, as I ended the call. I shoved the phone into my pocket and just looked at her.

"He just-" she started but the phone rang again.

I pulled it out, and clicked on speaker. Derek was on the line yet again.

"Oh, and Harry just because you kidnap my ex-girlfriend isn't going to make me stop looking for my sister," he said and hung up.

This time it was my turn to drop my jaw, my eyes to pop open and face turn the shade of a tomato. What happens now?


oh god, I suck I'm so sorry for such a late update! ): I've been a bit busy with summer vacation... So what do you think about Derek?

Update soon!

-Tash (:

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