I Just Need You.

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Louis Tomlinson: 

Erica and Harry left about ten minutes ago. I just sat on the couch, flipped through channels, never paid attention to what was playing. I texted Niall and told him Erica was gone and that I was alone.

The knock on the door indicated Niall arrived. I slowly dragged myself to the door.

"Why so down," Niall asked worried.

"I'm just lonely I guess," I shrugged and walked back to the living room.

"You know I'm always here for you to talk right?" Niall said gently.

"Thanks," I muttered.

He smiled and threw himself on the soft fluffy couch. He grabbed the remote and went to the soccer (football) channel. It wasn't a live game, but a re run so he just switched it off.

"So," he started.

"So," I said.

"What'cha wanna do?" he asked.

"I dunno, what do you want to do," I said plainly.

"Cook?" Niall said and walked to the kitchen not waiting for my reply.

Niall and I raided the cabinets for food but couldn't find much so we just ate the pizza that had gotten cold from when Erica and I ordered it a few hours ago.

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After Erica and Harry came back I felt something had gone on. Harry seemed a bit off and Erica was a bit shaky. She literally jumped 30 feet into the air when Loki brushed past her leg!

I gave her a hug trying to console her, but I guess I did something wrong since Harry suddenly remembered he was spending the night at Zayn's and stormed out.

"I- Uh, I'm gonna go now," Niall said as he followed Harry out.

"So, what did the two of you do?" Erica said as she tried to start a conversation.

"Don't lie to me, I thought we could be friends but I don't like liars," I sassed before I walked past her.

She caught my hand before I could leave. She tried to pull me back but I was stronger than her so she walked over to face me.

"Lied?" she asked.

"About where you were going," I replied.

"What?" she asked confused.

"Look Erica, I don't need your pity okay? I'm okay with everything that's gone on with Ansley. But I don't like you lying to me, if you're into Harry that's fine. I'd just like it if you would tell me that instead of lying to my face," I had spoken so fast, the words seemed to stumble out into one really long word rather than sentences.

"I- I don't think I like him," she admitted.

"Yes you do," I said before he walked out.

"Louis!" she yelled after me.

I sat on the couch and tried to turn on the TV, but Erica grabbed it out of my hand and threw it across the room.

"It shouldn't matter who I like and don't," she stated. "We can still be friends right?"

"No we cant," I muttered.

"Why not," she replied and sat next to me.

"Because- Because I just need you okay?" I mumbled.

"Wh- what?" she asked.

I couldn't explain any more, I turned to face her. Her gray eyes seemed to get wider as she realized my body began to get closer to hers.

"Louis," she whispered but before she could do anything else I connected my lips with hers.

It wasn't a deep kiss, or a passionate kiss. It was just a kiss.

"Louis-" Erica started again.

"I just need you more," I firmly stated before I got off the couch and left to my room.


Oh lord, Louis and Erica now. Poor Harry I wonder where he is. Poor Louis, he just needs company- or does he need more?

Let me know what you think!

-Tash x

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