Stole my Wallet?

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Harry Styles: 

"Well, who was it, another insane "directioner" ?" Taylor asked, and handed Lux over to me.

"No, actually she wasn't a fan. Just another citizen of New York I guess," I replied, I can't believe I'm stuck here with Taylor. I could be out with Nialler right now, poor guy was left alone while the rest of us were out with our girlfriends.

"Harry, I see the paps! Hold my hand," Taylor squealed and grabbed my hand.

I swear, she's not the princess everyone pictured in their heads. In reality, she was the equivalent of Regina George! I mean, this girl was insane, she would text me at least a hundred times a day. And don't even get me started on our dates. Mostly our dates are public, like out here in Central Park.

"God Taylor relax! I swear we don't have to be holding hands all the time for people to believe this thing," I muttered and tried to release my hand from her tight grip.

"Harry," she whined, "you heard what management wants!"

"I know, I know," I sighed. Louis and I do one thing together, and all of a sudden 'Larry is real'. Now I'm stuck here, having to lie to my fans about a fake relationship with the world's favorite country princess.

"You know, if you didn't resist so much, we could have real chemistry," Taylor said as she winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, this girl just can't take a hint!


I froze, someone had been following us! Damn it, how much did they hear?

"Taylor, I really loved this date," I said, and pulled her in for a hug.

The shock on her face was priceless, she was so clueless at times! As we hugged I whispered in her ear, "I think someone is following us."

"Awe Haz, I love you," she giggled as we pulled apart.

I smiled at her, and we kept walking. My eyes scanned our surroundings but I didn't see anyone. Just then I heard a cough behind us. Both Taylor and I whipped around, to see who the stalker was.

"You?" I questioned. It was the girl behind the bush, the one that heard Taylor and I argue.

"Yeah, you dropped your wallet, and I spent almost 10 minutes trying to find you," she replied. She looked so different, not like every other girl. I mean, you could say she was average. Although, she was fit and had long brown hair that was set down her back with piercing gray eyes that seemed to be judging you and every move you make. 

"Idiot," she muttered and handed me my wallet.

"Oh, uh- thanks," I said and put my wallet back in my pocket. How the hell did it fall out? It was in my pocket and I never did take it out!

Before I could say anything else, she turned around and walked away. I stared at her as I tried to figure out why she acted that way around me. She seemed to have some sort of grudge against me.

"Well?" Taylor said, disrupting me from my thoughts.

"I uh, nothing! Let's go," I replied and walked along Taylor.

"You can't possibly have the feelings for that girl, do you?" Taylor asked, her eyebrows arched.

"Why not? She's not you," I laughed. I was so rude to Taylor. I didn't mean to be, but she was just that kind of person who you could pick on easily. And she did deserve it, she would not leave me alone!

"Oh shut up, you are officially the worst boyfriend ever," Taylor hissed and stormed in front of me.

"Love you too babe," I snickered.

Right then I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out to see that Management texted me. God, what do they want now? I reluctantly unlocked my phone and checked the messages.

"Harry, who has had access to your wallet?"

My wallet? Why would they- shit the girl! She- what did she do?

I was about to pull out my wallet when I was bombarded with tweets and text from the boys.

Niall texted, "Why would you let the paparazzi get your wallet?"

Louis messaged, "Mate, management is pissed off, you really screwed up now! Guess it's kind of my fault for forcing you to keep that picture there... Sorry man!"

I was so confused, what did she do? I pulled out twitter to see what was going on. Immediately I noticed it, #HarryLovesLou was trending.

"Shit," I muttered.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Taylor asked annoyed that I stopped in the middle of our "romantic" walk.

"That girl... She was paparazzi!" I said as I realized what had happened.

When I went to see who was behind that tree and found her phone she had to get it back before I unlocked it. I had to hand it to her though, she did think really fast. When we had our little chat on how I hoped she wouldn't spill on Haylor, she had picked my pocket and got my wallet without me even noticing! She was good.

"That girl who "found" your wallet?" Taylor exclaimed. Her tone was annoyingly high, and she had her 'haha you are screwed' facial expression.

"Oh shut up Taylor, now we really got to make us believable!" I growled.

"I can since I can actually act. Can't say much about you, though," she hissed back and crossed her arms. She had a smile on her face, probably so if paparazzi did take a picture it would make her look good and me the villain. 

"What did the girl find anyway?" She asked.

"I had a picture of Louis and I from the X factor, it was a part of my birthday present," I sighed. Management is going to kill me!

"Guess she was the paparazzi..." I muttered and shook my head as I remembered what she had told me earlier.


Hope you like the update! (:

Comment on what you think Haylor was like, similar to what I wrote or totally different? Please Vote/Comment and recommend! (: Thanks so much for reading!


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