Not A Secret Anymore.

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Harry Styles:

After Taylor finally left, I headed to the pool. Maybe I could run into Connor and thank him for everything. The pool was crowded, it looked like a someone was throwing a party. I ran over to Connor who was by the pool with a couple of ladies around him.

"Hey Connor, thanks man," I said as I came over to him.

"No problem Harry, wanna join?" he asked.

"I'd love to but I've got to find Erica," I said and walked away.

I walked away from the pool, a sudden urge to find Erica. Where the hell was she now.

"What do you mean you're leaving!" someone yelled from the staircase.  I walked over there to see what was happening. I found Erica who sat on one for the stairs, yelling into her phone. I leaned by railing and looked at her.

She gazed at me and back into her phone. She quickly said bye and walked down the stairs. "What do you need Styles?" she asked, her voice was wary.

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you were lonely and needed company," I asked.

"Oh, well I don't," she snapped.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked, concern filling my voice.

"I'm perfect," she sassed.

"I thought we were past this phase, I actually thought we were in the friend part of this relationship," I said slightly offended by her rudeness.

"Well, you thought wrong," she muttered. A tear escaped her eyes, and slide down her cheek.

I reached over and wiped away the tear, but she slapped my hand away right after. She glared at me, and tried to leave, but I blocked her path.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"Why do you care, Styles. Don't you have some party with Connor now?" she hissed.

"Because I'm human Erica! I have feelings and I care about you okay? Weather you like it or not, I care about you. Now we are going to talk about this or I'm not letting you leave," I yelled and slammed my hand on my railing.

She jumped a bit from my outburst, and immediately started to sob. I softened up a bit, feeling bad about yelling and went over to give her a hug. She didn't move away, she hugged me back. I could feel the tears on my shirt, but it didn't bother me. What bothered me was what happened in that phone conversation earlier. Was it Derek?

"What happened?" I asked gently as I stroked her hair.

"Derek," she mumbled.

I let go of her and held her by the shoulders. I gave them a slight squeeze before I nodded for her to continue.

"He said he was leaving for a while," she muttered. "Without me."


"Something about his past being ripped open and he had to go and try to get something that he let slip away from him before."

"What!" I yelled.

Erica jumped again, her eyes wide. I sighed and went over and hit my head against the wall. Now it was Erica's turn to help me. She came over and stroked my back. She kept asking me what was wrong but I was too busy thinking of Ansley.

"Harry!" Erica yelled in my ear.


"Stop zoning out."

"Sorry, lets go."

"What? Where?"


"But you're all over the media after Taylor, I don't think-"

"Listen Erica, I need you to talk to Derek and ask him where he is going okay?"


"Just do it for me, please?"

"Not until you tell me."

"Erica, please, I need to go talk to the boys."

"Harry please don't."

"Don't what?"

"Stop him from trying to find Ansley."

I froze, she knows.


Erica knows about Ansley? OH SHIT.

Update soon, I promise!


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