My New Victim

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Erica Swan: 

It was embarrassing. Louis Tomlinson, the gorgeous blue eyed freak was about to kiss me! But the damn doorbell interrupted us. Is it bad that I felt relived? But when I ran to open the door, it was the last person I expected to see at the door. It was Elena!

"Darling," she greeted.

"Elena?" I asked confused.

"When Harry Styles called me and said you'd be staying at his place for a month or two, I didn't know if it was just Derek trying to trick me into giving you a month vacation," she said.

Her eyes peered into the flat, they were wide with curiosity and admiration. Her eyes soaked in all they could until Louis' cough brought her back to us.

"Erm- anyway, I need you back at the magazine! I am losing money and our subscriptions are weakening," she sighed.

"Oh no- I mean she can't leave yet!" Louis started.

I turned to see his eyes were wide and his hands made strange frantic motions. I started at the confused boy interested in what he was going to tell my boss.

"Why- oh why cant she work from here?" he suggested.

"What do you mean?" Elena asked slowly.

"She'll have an all exclusive on the boys and I since she's practically living with us! Except of course she would have to be anonymous just for safety issues," he explained.

"You don't mean Erica could be one of Gossip's kind of 'Gossip Girl'?" Elena asked, I could see the thoughts in her head spinning as she thought of a new column in the magazine replacing my old section.

"Of course- erm what is Gossip Girl?" Louis asked confused.

"Its a TV show," I laughed at how lost he seemed to be.

"Oh," he muttered.

"I like it, Gossip's very own insider," Elena gleamed.

"Well?" I asked.

"Sure darling, but I want a section done by tonight!" she ordered.

"I- uh- that's like in five hours till midnight Elena!" I gasped.

"You better hustle then don't you sweetheart," she winked before she turned around and walked away.

I just stood by the door, watching Elena scurry down the cold hallway and toward the elevator. I felt a light tap on my shoulders which brought my mind back to where I was.

"So, I'm your new victim I guess," Louis whispered in my ear.

I felt his strong arms encircle my body and pull me back into the warm apartment. I giggled and tried to get out of his grip. He held on tight and laughed at how horribly weak I was.

"You suck Tomlinson," I laughed.

"You like it," he grinned and let me go.

I pushed him and he dramatically fell back on the couch. I rolled my eyes, he was such a drama queen.

"So, what are you going to write about?" he asked curiously.

"About you of course," I said.

"You don't know anything about me," he replied.

"Enlighten me Tomlinson," I said as I sat myself next to him.

"Okay, I have no brothers other than the boys of course-" he started.

"No I know the basics! I want to know the dirty, dumb and disgusting things you've done that no one knows about!"

"We aren't that close that I can tell you such things!" he gave me an overly dramatic sigh.

"I'll give you a quick kiss if you do," I winked at him.

"Oh, trying to use your lady powers to win me over huh?" he said as he nudged my shoulder with his.

"Whatever I can do to not get fired I will," I said and nudged him back.

"Fine, uh- oh I have a story," he said excitedly as he bounced up and down.

"Tell me!" I said curiously.

The door bell began to ring yet again interrupting us yet again! I sighed and went over to the door. Louis was close behind me.

"Pizza Delivery to Mr. Tomlinson," the guy read from his notepad.

"That's me," Louis said and took the pizza from the guy.

"Just put it on my tab, talk to the lady at the front, here's my signature," Louis instructed and quickly scribbled his name on the guy's notepad.

"Oh right, you're the famous guy from that bubblegum boyband," the guy said as he recognized him.

"Whatever thanks for the pizza," Louis muttered before he shut the door on the guy's face.

"Well that was rude," I said as I followed Louis to the kitchen.

"He was rude," Louis replied as he went over to the cabinets to get the plates.

I watched his body stretch out a bit to reach the plates that were placed a bit high up. His shirt lifted up a little exposing a small part of his stomach and the hem of his boxers.

"Liking the view?" Louis winked as he handed me the plate.

I shook my head as I remembered I was staring at his body.

"I- uh no, no I was erm- thinking. Sorry," I stuttered.

Louis just shrugged and took our plates out to the living room. I followed slowly behind him.

"Okay, so here's the deal I'll tell you the story and you type it out. That way we'll get this thing done right away!" Louis said as he handed me the laptop.


 So I felt horrible for not updating in almost a month that I decided to do an update back to back! I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again, so I hope y'all like this. It's sort of a filler but I wanted yall to see Louis and Erica's friendship/something grow a little :)

Comment how your day at school went, I'd love to know! I like to talk to my readers and be friends because y'all are all so precious! <3

If yall ever wanna talk just message me! :)


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