Dealing with Danger

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Harry Styles:

I sat quietly on the couch after Erica left. I cant believe her! I basically told her such a painful part of my past and she just leaves?

I looked at Louis who just stared out into space.

"Louis?" I called.

"Yeah Harry?" he answered.

"You upset?" I asked.

"Not really why?" he replied.

"I don't want another girl to come between us. And it's fairly obvious that you like her, so you can have her," I said simply.

"Really Harry?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah, she deserves someone as great as you," I smiled.

"You're the best man," he said happily as he jumped onto the couch next to me.

"But," I said.

He groaned, he stared at me.

"But, you cannot be mad if she hangs out with me," I laughed.

"Of course not, as long as you promise me not to kiss her I will be fine with you two being friends," he shrugged.

"That's a deal," I agreed.

Although a part of me hurt. It felt good letting Louis be happy with a girl for real, but Erica was different from the rest. She didn't easily fall for my dimples, or my face. She actually challenged me to step up and make some real effort.

"Are you sure you're okay with this Harry?" Louis asked.

"No," I muttered.

"Hey man, its okay," Louis patted my shoulder.

"We'll work it out okay, in a more civil manner this time," Louis said calmly.

"I'm sorry Louis, I always do this. I'm such a horrible friend!" I said as I mentally punched myself in the face for being such an asshole.

"It happens Harry," Louis sighed.

"So we aren't going to be mad at whoever Erica chooses?" I asked.

"No we will not," Louis said firmly.

I smiled. It was great to have my best friend back.

"So, where the hell did Erica really go?" Louis asked.

"I have an idea but you're not going to like it," I said.


"She's going to meet Ansley or Derek."

"You're kidding."


"Did you tell her?"

"Told her most of it."

"But she still went."

"She's a pap, she's born with that curiosity."

Erica Swan:

I sat at the food court, it was getting dark outside. I better leave before Louis and Harry send out a search party for me.

My phone began to ring so I picked it up.

"Erica, are you okay?" Louis asked.

"Of course! Just having some trouble finding a couple things that's all," I lied.

"You don't have to lie to me, I know you're meeting up with Derek," he said.

"Louis I can-"

"Its okay Erica, Harry kind of guessed it," he said quietly.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"I hate liars, but I guess I can forgive you this one time," he laughed.

"Aren't you the sweetest," I laughed.

"Don't push me," he said.

"See you soon, boo-bear," I mocked.

"Erica!" he whined.

I laughed before I cut the call. I got off my seat and threw away my trash. I quickly walked out of the mall, and rushed to my car.

As I sat in I saw Derek. He looked like he was yelling at someone sitting inside a black van. I inched closer to him, while trying to remain unseen.

"-she's here somewhere," he hissed.

I could barely make out what the person in the car said, but I knew Derek was not happy. He slammed his fist on the hood of the car right before it drove away.

"That idiot," he said before he shoved his hands into his pockets and headed to his car.

He's still looking for Ansley? Why wont he just leave her alone?

"I know you saw that Erica, I'm serious leave and stay out of this!" I heard Derek yell from his car window.

He just yelled it out in the open, he hadn't seen me.


Yay I'm so sorry the chapters are so short! I'm multitasking with 2 active Wattpad stories, 2 twitter accounts and 2 IG accounts!

I'll update next week as promised!

-Tash x

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