The stir

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Harry Styles:

After Louis stormed out, Erica glared at me. I just shrugged and walked away. Derek better not spill what happened, we needed Ansley to wake up to give us the full story of what happened.

Liam, Niall and Zayn made their way up to the bar where Louis sat and drowned himself with the alcohol. His hands weren't stable, they shook vigorously as he chugged down shot after shot. I couldn't see him like this! I pulled Louis and dragged him out of the club and to our car. I waved goodbye to the rest of the boys as Louis and I made our way back to our house.

"He bette- nut spull nothin-" Louis slurred.

"He won't don't worry," I said as drove down the street. "I'm taking you to Ansley okay?" I said as I turned to head to the hospital instead.

"Why?" Louis whispered.

"Because I know you need to vent your feelings, and you've always done it to her, since you think she can still hear you," I replied.

We arrived at the hospital and it was almost midnight. Considering the amount we are paying for Ansley's care in the hospital, we can visit her whenever we liked. This helped because of our hectic band meetings and concerts. I got out of the car and dragged Louis into the building.

He leaned his weight on me, and he slurred his words. I can see he was drunk beyond measure because I could barely understand a word he said. I literally had to carry him to Ansley's room. When I got there, the rest of the boys had already made themselves comfortable. They looked at us, Liam had his head in his hands while Niall and Zayn stood by Ansley.

"What happened?" I asked, as I dropped Louis on the chair right by Ansley's bed.

"She- um, well apparently she stirred," Liam whispered.

His eyes kept darting back and forth from Ansley to Louis. I could tell he was stressed, but we all were! My mind raced with the new information, I know I should be jumping around celebrating but I can't.

"She stirred?" I asked, and walked over to her.

She looked calm as ever, her brown hair spilled over the white pillow. Her cheeks looked pale, but I noticed a little color in them. Her lips, plump and smooth. What am I thinking?

"Doctors called us right when you left the club, they couldn't get a hold of Louis over here," Zayn replied and pointed at Louis who had passed out on the chair I put him in.

My eyes soaked in the image of Louis just laying there. So much had happened, he had waited for this moment for a year now. This should be happy, but I knew what the consequences were when Ansley awoke.

"Let's just hope she wakes up when Louis is actually sober," I said.

I sat at the edge of her bed, and stroked her hand. Her fingers were cold, and so thin. A tear escaped my eye, and traveled down my cheek. I've been waiting for her to wake up, but what's going to happen when she does. What will I do?

Niall cleared his throat and patted my shoulder. I quickly wiped away the tears that wet my face, and looked up at him. He gave me a smile and a quick hug.

"Everything will be okay," he whispered. "You'll move on, you'll find someone just as amazing as Ansley."

I sighed and nodded. It was time for me to move on. It was clear, Louis loved her. I couldn't be the reason to prevent these two crazy people whom were so dear to my heart from being together. I just hoped I would find my girl one day. A girl that would make me feel the way Louis feels when Ansley is around. I just want someone to love.

Erica Swan:

After Louis stormed off, I waited for Harry to give me some sort of explanation. But instead, he just shrugged and walked off. My eyes went back to Derek who just sat at the bar, drink in his hand and a smug expression on his face.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, old friends of mine," he replied coolly.

"Oh really?" I said. I didn't believe a word he said. Why was Derek on bad terms with a pop boy band. How did they even know each other?

"Yes, just ask my boy Harry," Derek said and laughed.

I looked at him as though he had gone insane. He kept laughing at the strangest things, I think he's had one too many to drink.

"Alright, I'm driving you back home," I said and pulled him off the stool.

As I drove, Derek blasted the radio. I giggled and sang along while Derek played his 'air drums'. The ride back to Derek took about 20 minutes and we spent the whole time being stupid teenagers. Well technically I'm the stupid teenager being only 19 while Derek here is nearly 23.

"Okay we are here!" I exclaimed and got out of my car.

Derek slowly slide off the car seat and walked over to his apartment. His was on the second floor, so we had to climb a couple stairs. Derek who had drowned in alcohol tonight, almost fell down the stairs twice! I literally had to drag him up the stairs.

Once we got in, I lead him to his room. I pushed him on his bed and got him a glass of orange juice. He gulped it down, and began to doze off. It was getting really late so I decided to just stay the night at Derek's so I went over to his dresser to get some boxers and a shirt to wear.

I pulled open the drawer, and pushed a few clothes aside and found some sweats and a shirt. I shrugged and pulled the clothing out. Right as I was about to shut the dresser, a picture dropped onto the floor.

I slowly bent down and picked it up. The corners of the picture were bent, and I guessed Derek had stuffed it in the pockets of his sweats, and it just fell out. I turned it over to see a pretty young girl in the picture. She looked like she could be Derek's sister. She had the same brown hair and those intense blue eyes that drew your attention immediately.

Although Derek had never mentioned a sister to me, and I had never seen her before she looked vaguely familiar. I had seen her somewhere, but where?

I shook my head and stuffed the picture back into the drawer. This girl, would keep me awake all night until I figured out where I'd seen her. I slipped into Derek's clothes and went over to the bed. I pushed the comforter aside and laid on the bed. My mind was filled with thoughts about Derek's unknown sister.

Why didn't he tell me he had a sister? He said his parents died when he was 18, and since he lived in America he was a legal adult and didn't need to be put in an orphanage. He said he saved up enough money to move to the UK and start a new life. Never once did he say anything about a sister. Why didn't he tell me?

Just as my eyes began to feel heavy and I was about to let sleep take over, my phone began to vibrate. Irritated I got out of bed and went to grab it out of my bag. I looked at the idiot who would call me in the middle of the night. Surprise, surprise it was the one and only Harry Styles.

Oh that idiot, what did he want now?


Hey guys sorry for such a late update. I've been trying to update, but for some reason I've lost motivation to write this story now. I felt bad for the ones who were reading so I decided to update. Heres the deal, I'm not sure how many people want me to continue, so could you guys please just comment if you do? If not a lot of people want me to continue I might just put it on hold.

Thanks again for reading!


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