Let the Games Begin

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Harry Styles:

I watched Erica walk back to the apartment and decided to just stay put for a little while. She was so rude yet something about her made me want to kiss her again. The memories from when we shared our midnight kiss at the ice cream place flushed through my head. I grinned at myself like an idiot as I looked out the window. I noticed a dark haired guy looking at me from his car. His hair was styled up and he had sunglasses on that prevented me from seeing his entire face. 

"Derek," I huffed. 

I walked out of the ice cream parlor and across the street to the car. By the time I got to his car, he pulled out of his parking space and sped down the street. 

"Damn it," I said as I shoved my fists into the pockets of my jacket. 

I turned the street and headed back to the apartment. Not only was Ansley stalking Erica for some reason, but now I had to look out for Derek as well. 

I pulled out my phone and decided to call Louis. Give him a heads up that both Ansley and Derek were close. Fortunately we were off on tour to Australia in two days, and I don't think either Ansley or Derek would follow us there. At least I hope not.

"Louis, we have a bit of a problem," I said when he picked up.

"What's wrong now?" he asked, agitated.

"Derek was spying on Erica and I again," I said, as I lowered my voice. 

I looked around to see people walk past me and around me, no one looked interested. Yet I was being cautious on what I said out loud.

"Just come home, we'll figure it out here," Louis said quickly before he hung up. 

That was weird, it was not like him to hang up on me. 

Erica Swan:

After my little chat with Harry, I decided to head back to the apartment. I noticed a silver Lamborghini parked across the street but did not think much  of it. I mean Derek was not stupid enough to be spying on Harry and me in public it was just too risky. 

As I got to the lobby I saw the same mail delivery girl by the elevator. I nodded towards her and went by to wait with her. She immediately looked down at the cart when I approached. 

"You don't have any mail today," she muttered.

"Thank you," I said simply as the doors opened.

We stepped in and I pushed the button to my floor. She just stood there quietly and waited. 

"How are you so close to the One Direction boys but no one knows who you are?" she asked finally.

I looked at her suspiciously. She was too curious and asked questions that I really did not want to answer. But I'm trying this thing out where I'm not a sarcastic bitch unless it's totally necessary. 

"It's confidential," I said.

"Oh," she replied. 

I smiled at her before I looked back at the doors. When it reached my floor, with a ding the doors slowly slid open. 

"I'll see you around I guess," I said and walked away. 

Just before the doors closed, I turned to see her holding a big black Nixon camera aimed at me. With a smirk, she snapped a shot of me.

"Well that was weird," I thought. 

My phone buzzed so I pulled it out of my pocket. Derek had given me a quick text.

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