It's Been A While...

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Erica Swan:

I basically just wasted a good two hours for nothing. Harry just threatened to break our deal if I dug into his past, but I'm paparazzi it's what we do.

I left the rusty Chinese place and went over to the parking lot to discover that we had driven in Harry's car, and mine was still at his house. I mentally slapped myself because now I have no ride back home! I decided to text Derek and ask him to pick me up since there was so slight possibility that I was going to risk my life once again with Harry driving.

I pulled my phone out and sent Derek a quick text telling him to pick me up.

He quickly replied, "Yeah sure babe, be there in 10 minutes."

I sighed and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I had to wait 10 minutes for Derek to show up. I played with the hem of my shirt, and tried to make myself look busy. Suddenly I felt as though I was being watched. I quickly turned around to see who was staring at me. But there was no one there, so I returned to playing with the bottom of my shirt, when a car pulled up in front of me.

I stepped back, shocked for a moment, but then realized that it was just Derek's car. I smiled as he got out of the car and walked over to me. He took my hand and walked me to the passenger seat. He looked like the same guy I met two years ago. Tall, dark brown shaggy hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

As Derek pulled out of the parking lot he asked, "So who you been hanging out with? Jennifer Lopez? Leonardo DiCaprio?"

I laughed and shook my head, "I wish."

"Well, who was it?" Derek asked.

"Uh, you probably don't know him. He's from a boy band," I said and turned the radio on.

"Oh my god, please don't tell me its Wes from Emblem3 the one Jess always drools over!" Derek replied.

"No, I wish though! It was Harry Styles from One Direction," I sighed.

"Harry Styles?" he asked, his voice took on a serious tone.

"Yeah, why?" I said, suddenly aware of how stiff Derek had become.

"Haven't heard that name in quite a while," he muttered.

Harry Styles:

Surprisingly it hadn't taken long for Erica to give up and leave me alone. She didn't press on the details for the accident. She stomped out of the restaurant after she got a text from her boyfriend. Derek.

I hadn't heard that name in a while, of course it wasn't the same Derek I knew. It couldn't be.

The waitress gave Erica and I the table by the back corner that had a window which looked out into the parking lot. I glanced over to see Erica standing in the lot, she was playing with her shirt. I was about to go ask her if she wanted a ride since we had driven here in my car, but a black Lamborghini pulled up in front of her. A nicely build guy got out of the car and walked Erica over to the passenger seat. He smiled at her, and held the door for her as she slide into the car. He shut the door and turned to walk over to the drivers seat. That was when I saw his face. I hadn't seen his face in quite a while.

I quickly paid the waitress for the food and left the building. Erica and Derek had left while I paid for the food so I ran toward my car and headed back to Louis. The poor lad was having such a bad day, but now Derek's back.

As I drove back home, I kept thinking about what I would tell Louis. How would I tell him Derek was back. I racked my brain as I tried to find a way to tell Louis without him having an emotional breakdown.

I pulled up by the driveway to notice Erica's car wasn't there anymore. I guess she came by to get it, after she left the restaurant. I parked the car into the garage and sprinted into the house. I knew Louis would still be in his room, so I made my way over to his room immediately.

I barged right into his room without knocking, to find Louis crashed on the bed. His breathing even, he looked so peaceful. For a moment I had wanted to walk away and forget all about Derek. But I knew that would only make things worse in the future, so I sat down at the edge of Louis' bed.

I gently patted Louis' shoulder, but he didn't respond. I shook Louis and called his name. He finally started to wake up, so I let him be while he got himself to wake up completely. He slowly sat up, and rubbed his sleep filled eyes.

I stared at him, and my heart was beating so hard, I thought it would pop out of my chest. I sighed, and cleared my throat. I decided to ask Louis what happened before I dropped the "Derek's back" bomb on him. 

"Lou, what's wrong?" I asked gently.

"Nothing, I just went to see Ansley today," Louis muttered.

"And?" I asked, and motioned for him to continue.

"And, well the rest of the boys came to the hospital to get me while you were off with some random girl you meet, probably getting in her pants," Louis replied, his voice rising with every word.

Oh dear God, he's already in a bad mood and I'm going to have to tell him something to make it worse.

"Sorry, she wasn't a girl I wanted to be with, she's with Gossip Magazine, and you know the paparazzi. They are like leaches, everywhere," I apologized.

"You went out with the Paparazzi!" Louis yelled.

"What? No! I was trying to keep her from digging into the past. Digging to find Ansley!" I said, and put my hands up.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about yelling at you Harry, I just- you know how I get after I visit Ansley," Louis said and rubbed his temples. He fell back onto his bed and massaged his forehead.

"I know, its okay," I whispered.

"So, what did she want?" Louis asked, curious on how my meeting with Erica went.

"Well, she found stuff about the accident, but I annoyed her and she had to leave cause her boyfriend had called her up," I said, and sat back onto Louis bed.

I was going to tell Louis about Derek. I had to, because if I didn't he would find out by someone else which could be more disastrous.

"Oh, as long as you didn't say a thing about Ansley I guess," Louis said.

"Yeah, uh Louis I need to tell you something," I said.

My heart rate fastened and my palms started to get sweaty. It was as though my body was not willing to let my mouth say what I was about to say. A lump formed in my throat but I swallowed hard, and looked at Louis. "Erica's boyfriend, well I saw him," I said slowly.

"So? Oh god Harry you didn't flirt with her while her boyfriend was around did you?" Louis laughed and shook his head.

"No, Louis I'm being serious," I said and waited for him to stop laughing.

He looked at my face and realized I was not kidding around so he stopped laughing and stared at me. His eyes locked with mine, and I saw the confusion that filled them.

"Her boy- her boyfriend is Derek," I stuttered.

I stared at Louis, but the only word to describe his reaction was complete and utter shock. He was surprised, his eyes bulged out and his jaw dropped. He kept shaking his head as he tried to grasp to what I had just said. But he didn't say a word, he just shook his head.


Picture of Erica and Derek on the side. --->

I'm soooo sorry about the slow updates! I have finals next week so I have to study REALLY REALLY hard, since I take Honors courses and they are super hard. I'm sorry if the chapter sucked, I quickly updated cause I have to go study and work on projects! I promise after June 21st the updates will be more regular!

But I hope you enjoyed the Chapter and PLEASEEE comment/vote and RECOMMEND!

Love y'all!


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