Chapter one- The runaway

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"Do you Maya Hart take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Said the pastor in the freezing church.
It was a huge building and the words echoed around the room. Maya's heart pounded as she considered this question. Could she do this? Could she marry a man she didn't love? She looked at her mother for reassurance. Her mother simply nodded stiffly and tapped her foot against the floor. No help there then. This decision she had to make on her own. Great. Told what to do her entire life until it actually mattered. She was instructed to say yes to the invitation and the horrible dress. She didn't know if she could say yes this time.
"Ahem Miss Maya you need to make your desicion." Shrieked the pastor his Adam's apple bobbing up and down controllably. Maya looked at the man beside her and then at the door. She removed the diamond engagement ring, mouthed sorry to her ex fiancé, turned on her heel and then ran straight out of the church.

As her pale skin came into contact with the cool Philly air Maya breathed a great sigh of relief.She began to wonder what other people must be thinking about her as they walked by the church. A young woman in an overly expensive wedding dress stood outside in the cold with red puffy eyes.Why was she crying?Maya Hart never cries,especially not at family events like weddings.Maya knew that no one would follow her out onto the street as most of the people in there would be appalled at her behaviour.Everyone except Riley that is.Riley Matthews,her best friend since they were toddlers and her maid of honour.Maya began to smile at herself because she knew she had finally made a decision for herself that would make her life better.Her skin suddenly caught up with the rest of her body and she suddenly felt very cold,so she ran.Down the steps she went racing as fast as possible.As she was nearing the final step she lost her footing and began to fall to the ground.She braced herself for the pain she knew would come but instead she felt a strong set of arms around her waist.She looked up to see who her knight in shining armour was.
"Josh"She gasped,barely being able to do anything else.Joshua Matthews,her first and only true love....
A/N Heyo!
This is the first chapter of the runaway bride and the boy in the beanie. What did you think? Half of it was written by one owner and half by the other owner of this account. See if you can guess who wrote which bit. We hope you'll enjoy this story as much as we enjoy writing it . So think thoughts. Write words in the comments and tell us!
Hannah and Megan X

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