Chapter 37- Watch you meet the world

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Cory felt torn. Half of him was extremely happy that Riley was marrying the man she loved- even if he was a Minkus. That meant Riley would be a Minkus. Cory shuddered. He knew that Farkle would take wonderful care of his little girl. The other half however, perhaps the overprotective father wanted his daughter to stay In bed and never ever get out of it. EVER. He wanted his little girl to remain his little girl. None of this growing up nonsense. Nope. Nada. Stay 3 years old please.
Despite his desperate want for his daughter to remain little she disobeyed him and grew up and now she was getting married. Cory couldn't help being proud of his daughter though. She had done what he had done. She had grown up, explored and taken on the world. That made him happier than anything in the world.

To no-ones surprise Topanga was in two minds as well. She however, did not make a huge song and dance about it like Cory. Who had been suffering from over dramatic mood swings for days. One minute he was extremely excited and overjoyed at the idea of his daughter growing up and the next he was licking himself in her old room and staring and hugging all of her possessions. Topanga, as per usual, was offering him support in the best way she could, by telling him to get over it and be happy for his daughter. Did he listen? Nope.
Topangas conflict was in her own head. Topanga wanted to cry every time her beautiful little weirdo Riley showed off her wedding dress and asked her to organise something. She also wanted to cry when she thought that her only daughter would grow up and no longer need her own mother. That hurt her a lot. How does one deal with the theoretical and emotional loss of ones daughter? They don't that's how. They accept it happens and continue with life. Whilst smiling and laughing and glamorously being the wonderful baker of a grandmother. Topanga smile and laugh but she could not bake to save her life. That was Amy's job. And so Topanga dealt with her emotional conflict and hurt alone. All whilst being a tough Amazon warrior. Except at times like this she didn't want to be tough, she wanted her baby back.

It was the morning of Riley's wedding day and she was with Maya in a room of the castle getting ready when someone knocked on the door.
"Miss Matthews, Mrs Matthews or to me, Miss Hart."
They both screamed his name and ran to him and engulfed George in a hug.
He would never admit it but a hug from someone of the Matthews family was amazing and George looked forward to it every time he saw them. They didn't knock or shake hands, they where pigs.
"It's wonderful to see you both. You both look beautiful."
"Thank you Feeney. I'd love to stay but maid of Honour duties call." With that Maya made her exit and left Riley with George.
Risky looked fantastic. Her long hair was piled into a bun with a few peices trailed down and her gown was not too long so she wouldn't trip. Surprisingly, Riley had a worried look on her face.
"Is there a problem miss Matthews."
"It's just......." Riley took a deep breath.
"What if I'm not a good wife or a good mom? I'm clumsy enough as it is and I don't want to drop a baby. I think my grandpa dropped Eric and that's why he' know." They both did the cuckoo sign near their temples."
"I don't wanna be a bad mom or a bad wife and I've gotta live up to my parents. There Cory and Topanga! How am I supposed to live up to them?"
Feeney said nothing but wrapped an arm around Riley's gangly shoulders.
"Miss Matthews. How many times do people have to tell you that you do not need to be your parents? You be you. You are friendly and kind and considerate and caring and the love and loyalty you have to your friends is immeasurable. You will be a wonderful person Riley Matthews and I know because you have a wonderful heart."
Suddenly, they heard the church bells toll to signal that it was time.

Cory held Riley tightly on the arm and led her up the aisle. Maya was in front with Autumn holding the rings and doing chief bridesmaidy things. Josh was at the altar with Farkle, who was doing his very best not to cry. Riley smiled at them and then turned to her father on one arm and her mother on the other.
"Mommy, Daddy. Please say I will always have you if I feel like there is no way out."
"Yes Riley you will always have us. But I don't think you'll need us." Cory said patting his daughters hand.
"Because Farkle is a wonderful person and so is Maya. We all know that Maya would never let anyone hurt you. " Topanga chimed in.
"Are you sure."
"Oh we're sure."
They said and arriving at the altar let her go.
"I'll tell you one thing darling."
Topanga said.
"Thank you so much"
"Thank you for what?"
"It was wonderful to watch you take on the world."
Isn't that the best ending for a book ever!!!
'It was wonderful to watch you take on the world.'
Perfect ending don't you think?

Yeah we aren't ending any time soon don't worry.
But I feel somethings gonna go terribly wrong because Hannah seemed to write like that.
What you got up there Hannah?
Brilliant writing as per Hannah.
Keep thinking thoughts and MERRY UNICORNMAS
Hannah and Megan x
*halloweentown mic drop*


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