Chapter Forty Nine-Oh Still Wonderful

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Maya carefully wrapped up a small box that held a very important object in.She wrote on the tag with her best handwriting and then placed it infront of the fireplace along with the rest of the presents for Josh's birthday.She then composed herself and walked into the kitchen to make his favourite breakfast with a little help from Autumn.Of course Autumn couldn't do much as she was not yet 2 but it was the thought that counted.Joshua was awoken by the wonderful smell of pancakes being made and found his wife and his child in the kitchen with pancake mix everywhere.
"Well.....isn't this.......interesting."
Josh was trying to withhold a laugh but failed miserably.
"Well Joshua I will have you know Autumn and I have slaved over a hot stove for 5 minutes to cook this for you.You should be grateful.Now eat up before it gets too cold to eat."
Josh decided not to argue back with her and eat the food.After all it did look delicious.
"Oh yeah and happy day of birth to you my dear."
Maya came upto him from behind and kissed him softly.
"It wouldn't be as special without you now would it?"
"Ofcourse not because I am your fabulous wife now eat faster and join Autumn and I in the living room to open presents."
With that Maya bounded out of the kitchen with Autumn slowly following behind her.
Picture perfect.

"Okay okay can I open this present now?"
Josh had tried to open the box Maya had wrapped up before numerous times but Maya would snatch it off him and tell him to wait.Autumn was to preoccupied playing with wrapping paper and the dog to pay attention to her parents.
"Yes.Go for it and I hope you like it as much as I do....because I like it A LOT."
Maya was giddly bouncing up and down on the couch whilst also holding her breath.She watched as Josh opened up the box and took in the contents of it.His face changed from shocked to happy to ecstatic in a number of seconds.In his hands was a stick.
Yes,that kind of stick.A pregnancy test.A positive pregnancy test.
"Is....Is erm this yours?"
Josh took his eyes off of the test to make contact with Maya.
"Oh no I just found it on the street and decided it would be the best joke of a birthday present for you to open.Of course it is mine Josh."
Maya was getting a bit annoyed at this point as she still didn't know what Josh thought about it.After all they had only just gotten back from their break 1 month before.
" you want another child?"
Josh looked up at Maya again sensing that she was worried.He placed his hands on both of Maya's cheeks and then kissed her.They fell back onto the couch and began to make out but were stopped soon after by Riley barging into the house followed by Farkle and River.
"How could you?There are children present guys."
Riley sat on the same couch as Josh and Maya making them sit up straight and come back into reality.
"So why are you guys so happy?"
Maya and Josh looked at each other and quickly replied with 'Nothing'.
"Maya Ring Power!"
Oh wow ring power.At the age of 26?Yes,ofcourse.
"Okay.Well.....I am pregnant."
After that the room was filled with a lot of high pitched squeals and screams from both Riley and Maya and then the reat of the day was spent with them all planning out life with two children and life as a larger family.

Riley had come to the conclusion that Maya and Josh had to move into a bigger house sooner rather than later as the apartment wasn't fit to raise two children in.They decided to agree with her as Riley was well Riley and was very certain about her propersition.

Pizza,too,was a big topic that they discussed at great length because picking the right pizza was crucial.Very crucial.
The happiest and most wonderful of lives most certainly end in long discussions about pizza.
Perhaps that's what makes lives so wonderful
Not money or items
Nor happiness and laughter and love
But pizza
Lemme just stretch my authors note muscle
We are stretched
We mayeth proceedeth
SO, Pizza
Pizza is good
Pizza is bae
In conclusion
I feeleth liketh talkingeth in weirdeth language
And one doeseth not give two shiteths if it is "a dead language" or "no longer relevant in an exam
Stupid English teacher don't know shit
Megan and Hannah X
*miceth dropeth

If you guys thought it was hard reading this Authors Note then you don't want to see all of the texts Hannah has sent me talking 'liketh thateth'-Megan
Youeth areth mosteth welcometh -Hannaheth

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