[1] The Boy with The Accent

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Hey! This is my first story!! Please tell me what you think about it! It means a lot!

Vote and comment!!! Thanks!!

See you later, love! ~Alice


The Boy with The Accent

    I sat down in my chair waiting for the lesson to start as always, boredom practically leaking out of my skin. I closed my eyes and waited for that wonderful sound of the teacher beginning the class. However, I heard the door, so I opened my eyes. Standing there in front of the door was a boy with light brown hair and green eyes that had a certain shine in them as he took in the class. He stood tall like he knew where he belonged.

He introduced himself during my thinking and I missed it, all I could muster about this boy is that he's new.  The teacher pointed to a seat behind me and I froze as he turned to the seat, locking eyes with me.  I don't take much notice, hoping he does the same.  Class starts and I feel his gaze on the back of my head, trying hard not to turn around.  I feel nervous and I'm not sure why. He is just a boy, one I don't even know, so why am I nervous?

    We begin to read a passage and the teacher instructs him to read. As soon as he spoke most of the girls turned around, me being the only exception. He had an accent, Spanish, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.  He knew that the girls were looking, he knew that all too well. I refused to give him the satisfaction of having every girl looking at him with a dazed look in their eyes.

    A few passages went by and he finished reading, and you could almost hear the girls' whimper in protest.  I rolled my eyes, letting out a breath of relief, understanding why they complained. I spent the class trying to ignore him.  Out of nowhere, I feel something on the back of my head. Brushing it off as nothing more than the wind, I ignored it.  A second later it happened again. It's the boy, I thought. With newfound determination, I refused to look, but he didn't stop.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Over and over again.  For the millionth time, he poked me, and I finally turned around with lightning speed, surprising myself at the lack of whiplash, as anger started coming out in fumes from my ears.

    "WHAT!" I whisper-yelled.

    He sat there with a shocked look at my sudden outburst but quickly covered it with a smirk. He just sat there, smirking at me for a good three minutes, eyes locked with mine. I found it hard to look away so I just sat there glaring back at him. My expression slowly softening.

    "Excuse me!" The teacher yelled, pulling my attention from the boy. Thank God, because I wasn't going to look away on my own. "Am I interrupting something? In the middle of MY class?" Her emphasis on MY showing how angry she truly was.

    "No, ma'am. Just borrowing a pencil." I said with my brightest smile, waving the pencil in my hand trying to prove my innocence.

    She looked at me with a scowl before she returned to the class.  A few minutes passed and I feel something at the back of my head again.  I'm going to kill him! I wait for the teacher to begin writing on the board while enduring the endless poking before I turn around again.

    "WHAT do you WANT!" I whisper-yelled again in his face. His face once again shocked before covering with a smirk.  He leans closer, so close I can feel his breath on my cheek.

    "EXCUSE ME!" The teacher yelled again, this time right beside me. "What do you think you are doing?! In the middle of class?!" Her face red as a tomato. I have to hold myself back before I let out a laugh.

    "I was just asking her for my pencil back because it has a better eraser." The boy says with a cheeky grin, obviously enjoy our teacher's fuming episode. Not having a way to retort back to the boy, she makes her way back to the board. I hear him shift behind me until I feel his breath on the back of my neck, sending chills down my spine.

    "I want..." He trailed off, leaving me hanging on his every word. My breathing hitches and I nearly lose my breath at what he said next.

    "I want you."


This ladies and gentlemen was my first story EVER. It was a project for my Creative Writing class, and this chapter just sort of happened within the span of an hour of class. 

I wasn't going to publish it, or edit it, or continue it. This chapter was all it was going to be. 

Then I felt a surge of inspiration and decided Hey, why the hell not and posted it. 

When I look back at it and see the writing I cringe because of how immature I was and how my writing was so basic. But then I remember how this story that I wrote when I was 15 years old, opened my watt pad world. 

So yes, it's very quick paced and is very sudden. There's no build up and it barely has a plot. 

But hey, we gotta start somewhere ;) 

Love you guys, soooooo much. 

TGWTP is most likely discontinued tbh cause idk where to go with it. 

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