[23] Homecoming

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 The Gym was decorated with blue streamers and balloons. There were people dancing and laughing in the corner and others were eating at their tables. The pounding music was so loud I could feel the thump on my chest. Caleb's hand pressed against the small of my back, pushing me forward with a smile. We spotted Maya and the guys on the side at a table. Alex had his arm around her. I shot Maya a knowing look, making her blush and move closer to him.

"Oh my God, Maya you look amazing!" I gave her a hug with a smile.

"You too, Jayde did an amazing job." Maya looked at Caleb's arm around me and looked at me with the same look I just gave her. "So anything big happen tonight?"

"I'd say so." Caleb told her as he lifted my chin and placed a kiss on my lips. We smiled at each other and looked to a squealing Maya.

"OMG this is perfect!! It's about time you guys got together seriously. You are telling me EVERYTHING!" She started jumping up and down.

"Congrats man, it's about time." Jackson told him as he pat his shoulder.

"Try not to be a wuss all the time, yeah?" Blake said.

"Oh shut it Blake. Let them be happy." Alex said taking back Maya into his arms.

"Let's go dance!" Mason cheered with a fist pump, making us laugh.

As soon as we got on the dance floor, the music changed to a slow dance. I wrapped my arms around Caleb's neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I looked to the side and saw Alex and Maya dancing so close, they were almost kissing. Then I looked to the other side and found Mindy glaring at me.

"What's wrong?" Caleb whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I turned to look at him and held my breath at the proximity.

"Mindy's glaring." He chuckled and cupped my cheek.

"Let's give her something to glare at." Caleb leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips.

It was slow and loving and it showed how much he cared for me. My hands gripped his neck, pulling him closer and he did the same with my waist. We were flush against each other, feeling each other's lips move in sync to a perfect rhythm. We kissed for what felt like hours before the light's changed and the music stopped.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to your Homecoming. We'd like to name King and Queen." Murmurs scattered throughout the gym and Caleb stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me. "And your homecoming King is..." I scoffed already knowing who it'd be. "Caleb Grant." The hall erupted to cheers and Caleb kissed me before running up the stage and taking his crown. "And your homecoming queen is... Mindy Bauhart." No cheers sounded except those of Mindy's minions. Everyone murmured and questioned about it as Mindy squealed with delight and ran up the stage, throwing herself onto Caleb. He made no move to put his arm around her. Instead he took the mic.

"Hi everyone, quick question. Who actually voted for Mindy?" Mindy's group of bimbos were the only ones who lifted their hands. Caleb then turned to the principal. "How exactly does one win Queen with only 8 votes?" The principal looked to Mindy in question but she just smiled innocently. Then a nerd ran up the stairs.

"She made me hack into the school system and make her queen. I didn't want to but she said she'd destroy my life. Please don't get me in trouble it was all her." The nerd pointed at Mindy and she dropped her nice act.

"Shut the hell up you stupid nerd. No one wants you here! You did a shit job anyway!"

"Oi, shut the fuck up Mindy." I shouted at her.

"I'm your QUEEN! Don't you dare speak to me like that."

"Bitch please you obviously rigged it. And you have no right to treat anyone like that. You ain't no queen of mine so how about you shut the fuck up and let the kid tell us who actually won. He must know since he read the results and changed them." Mindy turned to the nerd with a glare.

"Don't you dare." The nerd took a step back in fear so I walked up the stage and placed myself between them.

"Don't be scared of her, dude. The only queen I see in her is Queen Bitch. No one can take that away from her." I smirked with my arms crossed.

"Shut up! No one even likes you! Caleb shouldn't be with you he has to be with me! You're just a nobody! Everyone hates you!" She shrieked.

"Actually..." The nerd said behind me. "She won." He said pointing at me. I looked at him with wide eyes and my jaw on the floor. Then I started laughing.

"Y-You think- That I- won Queen?" I asked in between breaths. He nodded and looked to Caleb. Caleb nodded and took the mic once more.

"Who voted for Cat?" Almost every arm raised in the school. I looked shocked and so did Mindy.

"What?! How could you vote for this slut! She's a freak! Are you mentally fucked up?" Mindy screamed out at the people watching us. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing.

"No offense Mindy, but she's not a bitch... like some people." Someone from the crowd said but the voice was hard to single out. Mindy's eyes looked towards me with such hatred and anger. Suddenly she ran at me with a fierce and feral look in her eyes. I easily sidestepped her, letting her pass me and she ended up falling off the stage. The crowd literally opened up to watch her hit the floor instead of catching her. The whole Gym erupted in laughter as she tried to stand up on her insanely high heels.

Caleb's arms wrapped around my waist and he nuzzled his nose into the nape of my neck. "My Queen." He mumbled against my skin.

"You know I actually feel kind of bad..." I murmured watching Mindy run with a broken heel out of the gym. "It was kind of mean, they could have at least caught her."

"You did nothing, okay? You didn't taunt her, hit her, provoke her in anyway. None of this is your fault. People were just finally tired of being under her command." Caleb turned me around. "They found a new Queen to follow." He smiled and kissed me.

Suddenly the cheers broke us apart and I realized we still had an audience. I blushed and hid my face in his chest, making him chuckle and hug me closer.

"Thank you for voting for us." Caleb said in the mic with a large smile. "She's always been my queen, but now it's official." All the girls awed and hugged their partners. The partners, like sly dogs, all winked at each other with a smirk. Pigs... "Enjoy the rest of your night."

Caleb pulled me off the stage and took me to the center of the dance floor. They had opened up an area for us to dance. My hand was in his and on his shoulder, and his other hand was on my waist, hugging me tightly to him. "On a scale of 1-10, how much did you like the date tonight?" Caleb asked blushing as we swayed to the slow song.

"Maybe an 8?" Caleb mocked hurt as he put a hand over his heart.

"What? You wound me Cat." A smile played at his lips. "How can I turn this date into a 10?" He asked leaning in closer. I pretended to think about it.

"Well... We could always go home..." I smirked at him as his eyes widened, turning into a smirk.

"If that's what you want..." Caleb leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

His lips were soft and sweet as they moved with mine. My hands played with his hair and his hands roamed my waist. I bit his lip and pulled, making him moan. Once we seperated, Caleb wasted no time getting us back to the wearhouse. 

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