[10] Lunch Time

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Sorry for the late update, I was with family for Thanksgiving.

Home everyone got to see their families for the Holiday!!

All hail turkey and Banana Cream Pie!!

Happy Holidays <3



I park my car in the lot and walk out of to the school doors. I can hear whispers and see kids glancing at me from the corner of my eye.  When I walk into the school I swear it's like a high school movie.  Everyone stopped to look at me as I walked down the hallway.  The silence was intense; the lockers were stopped midway from closing, and you could hear a pin drop from the quiet hallway.

I refused to glance at anyone, knowing that if I did I'd probably want to run away. So I kept my head high, and my stance filled with confidence.  I ignore the attention and head to my locker.  As I'm taking out my books, arms snake around my waist and a chin rests on my shoulder.  I already know who it is from the tingles I feel on my skin. I sigh but I don't turn around.

"What do you want Caleb?" I felt him move to the base of my neck as he inhaled my scent.

"Oh, nothing. I just want to know all your secrets." He mumbled into my neck and I stiffen significantly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say smoothly, the lie running off my tongue smoothly with all the practice it's had.

"Oh, yeah? Where'd you get the hickey?"I can't help but laugh at that, and it's a good old throaty laugh, not attractive at all. I turn around in Caleb's arm and he's grinning back at me like a fool. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because this situation is goddamn hilarious, I mean, from my point of view, with all my secrets." I whisper as I lean in towards his lips. I'm an inch away now, and I can feel his heartbeat under my hand.  "Caleb?"

"Mm?" He says with a glazed look in his eyes, focused solely on my lips.

"Let me go, Caleb." I whisper. Out of the corner of my eye I can see all the nosey students watching us, like we're animals at a zoo.

His eyes shift up to mine and he looks confused, as if what I'm saying isn't making any sense.  I pull myself up on my toes and go to his ear.  My lips slightly grazing his ear lobe, and I felt him shiver under my hands as I whisper again.  "I'll count to three. One."  If anything his hold tightened. "Two." My voice low and seductive as I press my lips to a part behind his ear, I grin feeling him shiver at my touch. "Three." I go back down to my feet and kiss his cheek on the way down.  I feel his little friend poking my stomach. Damn, he's too easy.

I give him an innocent smile as I quickly knee him where the sun don't shine.  His eyes practically pop out of his head as he doubles over, hissing in pain and collapsing on the floor. "I counted to three Caleb. You have no one but yourself to blame."

"Geez women, I won't have any children by the end of the year if you keep hitting me like that." He grunts out in between his moans of pain.

"Oh well. At least it won't be a major loss." I smirk and walk to class, ignoring the students gawking at me while taking pictures of the sexy boy stuck on the floor.



I sit down with Maya after I get my lunch and I can hear the whispers and feel the glares from the barbies and glances from all the students.  I ignore them like always, but today I find it significantly harder.  I spot Caleb at the other end of the room with the guys I saw last night.  Great, now I have 5 idiots to worry about. I sigh and he turns, making our eyes connect.  He smirks and I repeat the action. We stare at each other, neither one willing to look away and lose.  Out of the corner of my eye I can see his friends looking at him, following his gaze and noticing my smirk. One of them, the guy who was driving the car yesterday, waves a hand in his face, making him lose his concentration.  He looks away and then back to me, I smirk at my win and look back to Maya.

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