[26] I'm sorry

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Just something I drew up :p

Love you guys so much. Thanks for the support and the votes and comments and ur love. You guys are the best!!!



My breath caught in my throat as I watched him walk up to the ring. He was bulkier than I last saw him, his arms bulging with each step. I couldn't help but think who was his new whipping exercise. He never cared for the machines and exercised with the real thing, by whipping people, over and over again.

I subconsciously moved my hand up to my shoulder, rubbing the area I knew was destroyed from his lashes, unwillingly letting tears blur my eyes. I gasped and took a step back as the realization of the matter finally hit me. He was here. Trevor found me. I have to get out of here.

I turned around and quickly started pushing people out of my way, trying to put as much distance in between us as I could. Flashbacks of my time with him hit me hard as an elbow connected with my ribs, shoving me away. The sound of the whip cracking thundered in my ear as it made contact with my skin, cutting through my flesh and welcoming my screams into the concrete room.

A hand on my arm snapped me back to reality and I turned to find Caleb beside me looked at me worriedly. He nodded, recognizing Trevor and started leading me out. I felt confined, trapped, surrounded by all the people and I began to have trouble breathing. I couldn't seem to get enough air in my lungs until we stepped out of the arena, following a quick embrace from Caleb.

"He found me." I whispered, my voice shaking as I closed my eyes and nuzzled my nose into his chest. He shhed me and petted my hair, comforting me. I should have felt safe in Caleb's arms, but every time his hands ran over my back I'd feel the whips again. "HE FUCKING FOUND ME!"

My breathing became ragged and my body began to shake. My hands gripped my chest, feeling my heart begin to beat erratically. By eyes started to go black and I knew I was going to pass out.

"Cat you're having a panic attack, I need you to breath for me." He gripped my shoulders, forcing me to look at him.

"If I-" Breath. "could breath," Breath. "don't you think-" Long breath "I fucking would?!" I shouted, exhausting my body from the lack of air.

"Even when you panic you're just as fiery as ever." He smiled softly before continuing. "Come on do it with me. In and out. In and out." I followed his rhythm, shaking and gasping slightly with each breath, and soon I could breath normally again. "I'm here Cat, he won't get you." Caleb cupped my cheeks and rested his forehead on mine. "I will protect you Cat. Please, don't be so scared." My heart broke along with his voice broke as he closed his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him closer.

"I'm so scared, Caleb." I whimpered into his shoulder. "Everything he did, everything I've been blocking out of my mind, keeps replaying every time I close my eyes. I hear the whip cracking, I smell the blood pooling around me, feel the lash on my skin." My breath began to shake again and he nuzzled into my neck. "I'm so scared." I whispered closing my eyes.

We stood there in the parking lot for a few minutes, letting the shock of seeing him again finally set in until I calmed down enough. The warmth from his arms made me feel so much better it was unbelievable actually. I didn't know if Caleb would keep me safe, but he was definitely better than nothing. We finally pulled apart and got on the bike, driving back home.

As soon as we pushed through the door I ran to Kayla and hugged her. She hugged me back with confusion on her face, but once she saw the tears in my eyes she turned to Caleb with the stink eye.

"They found us." I told her, making her eyes snap back to mine with shock and fear. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't hide us better. I couldn't keep us safe." I sobbed holding her closer.

"Wait what?" Marcus asked sitting up right on the sofa next to Kayla. I hadn't noticed the boys were here, all watching television together.

"Serpent Fangs are in town." Caleb told them. Making all their eyes widen.

"Oh, shit."

"I won't ask you to fight for me." I said holding Kayla closer. "I want to leave with Kayla tomorrow."

"Fuck that!" Caleb shouted, and to my embarrassment, I flinched. Silence fell over us as they stared at me wide eyed. "Fuck Cat, I'm sorry." He moved closer but I closed my eyes and turned away. "I'm so sorry Cat."

"I'll be in my room." I said quietly and picked up Kayla. She hugged my neck and pulled me close.

Once inside my room, I set Kayla on the bed and locked the room. I pulled out a duffle bag from under the bed and began throwing anything I could find in there. "When I'm done, you're going to your room and we're packing. Tomorrow is our last day of school." She opened her mouth but I cut her off. "That's final." I sent her a pointed look, making her pursue her lips and nod.

"Cat, come on, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I heard Caleb say on the other side of the door. I quickly rushed to hide the bag before unlocking the door and letting Kayla out. Caleb ignored the little girl running around his legs and kept his eyes trained on me. "I let my anger get the best of me. I didn't mean to yell, I just-" His breath shook but he didn't look away. "I just can't lose you Cat." He said quietly taking a step towards me. I mustered all my courage to not step back. "I'm so sorry. I forgot how scared you were because I was so used to your yelling, your stubbornness, your independence, everything about you was fearless, and I forgot about the situation." He cupped my cheeks, his warmth melting my resolve as my hand reached up and held his there. "I'm so sorry Cat." He whispered with so much pain I felt the tears well up and I reached out and kissed him.

Our lips moved slowly, scared as if we'd push too far and damage the other. His hands slowly went around my waist and brought me closer, pressing against his chest as I let my hands wander to his neck. We kissed like that for a while, making me lose track, until we finally pulled away breathless. "Come on, let's go to bed. You need rest after the day you've had" My breath hitched with the fear of nightmares. "Hey, hey. It's okay. I'll be right there with you." I nodded and took his hand, pulling me into bed and pulling me into him, protecting me from the world with his warmth. His arms curled around me and my legs wrapped with his as we let ourselves fall asleep. As my eyes shut closed I heard him whisper something sounding like "I love you, Cat."

And the last thing I thought was. "I'm so sorry, because I love you too."

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