[31] Storming In

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I know it's been forever but I finally got it all! I finally know how I'm going to finsish!

Two chapters left after this one and I know its short and pretty quickly placed but that's how I felt in the moment; like really anxious and speedy. 

I'm sorry it took so long but my writers block was intense. 

I can't wait for the end it's driving me crazy!!

Thank you all for being such awesome readers and being there with me throughout this story. It means so much that I have such awesome readers and followers. 

Thank you all for everything you've done for me!

I love you guys!



The warehouse stood tall in the slums. It's windows were boarded up, blocking any view inside. But we didn't need to know what was inside to know that they were all armed. There were guards surrounding the outside, meatlugs walking around with AK-47's, joking around as they shot at squirrels and stray cats. The animal abuse made me furious, considering not too long ago I was the animal.

I sat under the open window of an abandoned building, Caleb next to me with a silenced sniper rifle propped against his shoulder. The others were spread out throughout the neighborhood, each with their own rifles, ready to fire. I watched the guards switch rounds, the previous ones going inside, while the new ones stumbled out slightly tipsy.

"Two are separating in the south." The radio spoke in a hush tone. Caleb moved the sniper, scoping out the targets. Both held their guns at their sides, drinking out of a hidden crate. They laughed as if they hadn't kidnapped an 8 year old girl, and the thought sickened me.

Caleb took his time lining the shot and soon enough they were both down with two quick following shots. Their bodies tumbled to the side and they were quickly replaced when another two followed the sounds of the corpses hitting the ground. They later joined their members.

Rounds after rounds and soon enough all the guards were down. I cocked my Desert Eagle and made sure my extra bullets were set up. Ever since the gang leader I hadn't killed anyone. The thought of it made me sick but I held it down, for Kayla's sake, and forced myself to do this. I wasn't going to hesitate, I wasn't going to choke, I was going to kill every single goddamned son of a bitch in that warehouse, even if it kills me.

"Let's go." Caleb spoke into the radio and soon we found over 100 men surrounding the building, rifles in hand. Caleb and I waited in the back, while most of the men concentrated on the front.

As if they were one, as soon as the front door blew, all the men started breaking through the boarded up windows and began shooting. A haze of bullets filled my ears and I almost failed to hear Caleb shout for me. I lifted my gun up and followed him in. Serpent Fangs members ran out of makeshift rooms, guns in hand, but before they had a chance to shoot, a bullet had already dug its way into their skulls.

We turned a corner and were ambushed with more bullets. I jumped back, pushing myself against the wall, Caleb followed on the other side of the hallway. The men behind us waited for our signal. Caleb nodded and we threw a grenade. A few seconds later and the explosion blew.

My ears rang at the sound but I kept moving. Smoke filled the air as furniture caught on fire. The gunfire never paused throughout the large warehouse and I did my best to block it out and keep my head in the game.

Caleb led the assault, almost reminding me of an SWAT team. In any other situation I would have laughed but my emotions were currently focused on anger, frustration, and fear. We followed the winding halls, shooting anything that moved. The men had spread out, breaking apart and taking on their own group and by the time we reached the very end it was only Caleb and I.

"When we go in there, I want you to keep your cool. No matter what, if you show him how much you care he will use it to his advantage. No matter what happens, you get Kayla out of here." I told him cupping his cheek. His eyes seemed conflicted, knowing that if he has to get her out of there then I won't be around for it. "Promise me Caleb. She's the only family I've got left and I'm not going to let her take her." He held my hand against his cheek and kissed me with a fervor I had a hard time keeping up with.

"I promise. I love you." He said leaning his forehead on mine.

"I love you too." She whispered and pulled back, cocking her gun once more. "Let's go."

We pushed open the door and before we had a chance to react a bullet rang through the room. Time had stopped and anything other than Caleb disappeared from my mind as I watched him topple back, groaning in pain. My eyes widened and I ran to him, holding his limp body. "No, God please no." I whispered rubbing the hair out of his face. His eyes were closed but he was breathing. If he was still alive I could save him.

"Well if it isn't mi bella Katarina." I tensed at his voice. "My my, you've grown up well." My skin prickled as I turned to him. Trevor stood on the other side of the room, a pistol dangling from his hand and a cheshire grin on his lips. His eyes were hollow and black and his hair had been shaved off completely, revealing the multiple tattoos that covered his scalp. "I'm so glad you found your way back home." He spoke but I didn't hear him. My focus was zeroed in on the 8 year old girl at his side and the hand digging into her shoulder. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot and bruises, cuts and lashes covered her body. Tears brimmed my eyes but I remembered my words to Caleb.

"Let her go Trevor, you can have me." I said, aiming my gun at him and taking a few steps forward. He pressed on her shoulder harder and she screamed out in pain. I closed my eyes, not wanting to hear the sound of my baby sister cry. Trevor tsked.

"Oh, why would I do that, when I already have you?" He asked suddenly moving the gun to her temple. "Gun down. Come on bella." He coaxed but I didn't move my gun. I knew what would happen if I did, and that would be a last resort. No matter what happens, the asshole was going to die tonight. I heard Caleb groaning in the background but neither of our gazes moved to him. Kayla started crying next to Trevor as he put more pressure on her shoulder.

"Baby I want you to look at me." I told her, my eyes not wavering from Trevor's. "I want you to be strong, and remember everything I taught you, okay?" I couldn't look but I heard her sobs beginning to turn to sniffles. "I love you baby, you're strong. You can do it." I nodded ignoring the way Trevor's lips lifted in a smirk.

"Do you honestly believe you can get out of here, bella?" He asked, his italian accent pronounced and strong. "You're mine, Katarina. You will always be mine." His eyes widened and gleamed in a past fantasy and I nodded slightly, giving Kayla the signal.

Before Trevor could react Kayla turned quickly and punched him in the crotch. His eyes bugged out of his head as he leaned forward in pain, releasing Kayla enough to let her escape. She ran my way as I took the shot. Two bangs rang out through the room and two bodies collapsed. 

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