[11] Apple

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"Ok, so how many siblings do you have again?" I ask Caleb.

"3. Max, you saw him, 8 years old, Blake, just met him he's 19, a year older, and a twin sister, Jayde. She's gonna switch into the school this week. You'll like her." I nodded.

The rest of the lunch period went off in small talk, and at some point Caleb moved closer and had his arm around the backboard of the booth. I didn't mind since he wasn't touching me. Caleb got a text and got up saying he had to do something. He and the guys got up and left the cafeteria.

"So... you and Caleb, huh?" Maya said, wiggling her eyebrows. I groaned and dropped my head on the table.

"Don't even start with me. He said he wants to find out all my secrets, I have to be careful with him."

"Okay, I get it. So tell me what happened with you and the guys." I grinned as the memory resurfaced.

"Well they were being pricks so I took them all, 4v1, except Caleb cause he stayed out. So over all I kicked their asses, and then I left but Caleb was there and we ended up making out." Her eyes bulged out of her head. "Ok you need to start accepting crazy things because I'm worried your eyes won't stay in your head much longer." I chuckled.

"YOU GUYS MADE OUT!?!?" She screamed and once again the whole cafeteria looked.

"Jesus Christ woman, don't you have a volume button or mute? Stop screaming half our convos! I can't have people getting interested in my business damnit!" She nodded her head and looked down shyly. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just you know how important it is to keep my life a secret."

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to." Her face slowly turned into a grin. "So how was it?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I already knew what she was referring to.

"Holy shit you don't even know! He is such a good kisser! I was turned on just by being so close to him. He gave me a hickey and things got pretty heated, but I stopped him, cause you know. Gotta make 'em wait." I chuckled.

"And he didn't recognize you?"

"Well when I dropped off Kayla, he was there dropping off his little bro, Max I think... And he saw my bruised cheek even though I covered it pretty well, see?" She looked at my cheek for a while and then her eyes widened.

"Jesus he saw that at first glance?" I nodded. "Did he see the hickey?" I chuckled.

"Oh, he saw it. He got so mad and wanted to know right then and there who gave it to me. It was so funny, but I don't get why he got so mad. He was madder about the hickey than the bruise." Her grin widened.

"You TOTALLY don't get why he was mad." She winked with a knowing look and I just stared back at her, confusion plastered on my face. Her grin slowly faded as realization hit her. "You seriously don't know, do you?" I nodded. "Shit, wow you are oblivious. Okay let's look at all the facts." I nodded again, waiting for her to go on. "So first he kinda sorta stalks you, yeah?" I nodded. My neck is gonna get bad from all the damn nodding. "Okay, and then he made out with you?"

"Yeah but he didn't know it was me."

"Doesn't matter, his body feels the attraction. He might not know who you were, but his body does. And then he got mad at a hickey you got, not knowing it was from him and completely forgetting about the bruise." I nodded. "Dude how can you not see it? He's jealous of the "guy" who gave you a hickey."

"Maya what the fuck are you talking about? He's not jealous."

"Fine, when he comes back I'll ask about the hickey, tease him a bit. We can watch how he acts. Put an apple in his hand while we talk. And make it last okay? Go with it." I nodded just as soon as the guys came back in the cafeteria. They sat down and I noticed their clothes were messy, and Caleb's knuckles were bleeding.

"Uh, guys?" They grunted. "What happened to you?" Alex looked at me.

"We ran into a wall."

"All 4 of you." They grunted. "Ran into a wall." Grunts again. "Together. At the same time." They didn't even grunt because of how ridiculous it sounded. "Whatever." I decided to drop the subject. Everyone has their secrets. They looked at me in shock. "What?" They mumbled nothings and looked away. I looked at Maya and she grinned as she saw Caleb pick up an apple and take a bite.

"Holy shit! Cat is that a hickey!?!" Great we're starting. I pretended to blush and cover the hickey with my hand.

"Jesus Maya! Shut up! Do you WANT the whole school to know about my love life?" She chuckled.

"Was it from that guy you met? The one you were telling me about? From last night?"

"Yeah it's from him." I blushed and looked away. The guys were eyeing me with lust. Damn, now we know the other guys want me. I looked at Caleb and his eyes were trained on the table, his grip on the apple turning his knuckles white.

"Did you guys do it?" I made myself blush even more. "Holy fuck you totally did!" She widened her eyes and I saw the guys do the same.

"What?! NO!! W-What made you think such a thing?!" I played off offended. Out of nowhere, the apple in Caleb' hands exploded. Pieces went everywhere. I looked shocked. "Holy shit..." I mumbled. She was right. I looked to Maya and she had a giant smile on her face.

"TOTALLY CALLED IT!" All the guys looked at her like she was crazy, but I couldn't look away from Caleb.

"Holy shit she was right..." I couldn't look away when his gaze met mine. Shit he heard me.

"Yeah I did." My eyes widened. "She was right about what?" He narrowed his eyes.

"How shitty and mushed those apples were." Maya said from the corner of my eye, and I just nodded. Not able to look away. "Cat?" I snapped out of my daze.

"Holy Mary Jesus of fuck, you were actually right." I looked at her wide eyed. "I'll never doubt you again." She smirked in triumph.

"All because of an apple?"

"Yes." I deadpanned still in shock. Caleb was jealous, that means he either just wants to fuck me and is very possessive, or he likes me. "But Maya, it doesn't just mean what you think it means. We could be wrong, maybe it's just possessiveness over a shag. It doesn't exclusively mean what you want to believe." The guys looked me like I was crazy, but Caleb's eye's widened. Did he catch on? Nah. He couldn't have.

"I don't care what you believe I can see it written all over him. I'm right. That apple just proves my ability of being right."

"Ok what the hell are you talking about? Cause I'm damn sure it's not about a shitty apple."

"Nothing." We both deadpanned answering Caleb.

He sighed and mumbled "Whatever." Maya and I looked at each other and burst out laughing while the guys looked at us like we grew 3 heads. 

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