[21] Preperations

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 After my shower, I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Kayla hung from Mason's arm while he swung her back and forth, her giggles filling the room. Alex was cooking breakfast, facing the stove while he whistled and moved his hips back and forth. Blake was behind the island bar, filming Alex and holding in his laugh. Caleb wasn't out here yet, I left him sleeping after I had woken up in his arms, but after my shower he was gone.

I walked around the island and hopped onto the counter, swinging my legs and joining Alex in his whistling.

"Good morning Cat." Mason and Kayla chimed together. I laughed.

"Good morning you guys. Where's Caleb?"

"He went to pick up Max from a sleep over. He'll be back soon." Mason said, smiling at Kayla as she laughed even louder while he held her upside down by her feet.

"Why, miss your boyfriend?" Blake teased.

"He's not my boyfriend." I deadpanned

"Why not?" Kayla asked.

"You know why Kayla." I said quietly. She stopped laughing and Mason put her down. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I smiled at her sadly as the boys watched.

"I love you, sis." She whispered in my ear, making me chuckle.

"I love you too." I put her down and tapped her butt, making her squeal with a laugh. "Now go play. I saw an X-box One in your room last night." Her eyes bulged and she ran out of the kitchen. "BE READY FOR LUNCH!"

"OKAY!" She shouted back. I laughed and looked at the guys, who looked at me sadly.

"Don't ask." I mumbled looking away and hopping on the counter. They nodded and went back to what they were doing. Caleb walked in with Max in tow.

"WHERE'S KAYLA?!" Max yelled, making everyone jump.

"She's playing on your X-box, be ready for lunch." He nodded and darted out of the kitchen, shouting for Kayla. Caleb walked around the island with a smile. He moved in between my legs and put his arms on both sides of me, trapping me between him and the counter.

"Hey." He whispered, smiling.

"Hi." I did the same.

"Ugh! just kiss already!" Mason shouted. Blake and Alex chuckled.

"No." I said, Caleb frowned.

"Why not?"

"Because you aren't my boyfriend."

"But you want me to be."

"Changes nothing." Caleb smirked and leaned in.

"So you admit you want me to be your boyfriend?" I reddened and looked away as the others cheered and whooped.

"Shut up." Was my awesome comeback, I still looked down.

"Look up Cat." I sighed and looked up, but my eyes immediately closed as his lips pressed against mine. It was soft and slow but I still felt the sparks. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

"Bad Caleb." I scolded him.

"You seemed to enjoy it, so I'd say Good Caleb." He chuckled and sat on the island, as Alex passed him a plate of eggs and bacon. He passed me one and the others a plate too. "Don't forget, we have dinner tonight, at 6 before the dance." I started coughing on my breakfast.


"We have a date remember?"


"Yes, you said you'd go on a date with me yesterday at our spot. Or do I have to remind you how it went." He hopped off the island and began walking towards me slowly. Suddenly I remembered and started shaking my head with my hands up.

"No, I'm good, I remember."

"Jayde is coming over. She said she wanted to help you get ready after I told her I had a date with you."
"I hope you aren't expecting anything because I refuse to put on a dress, or heels." He chuckled and moved in between my legs again.

"I just want you." He kissed my cheek and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me in total awe from his ease at admitting it.

"You ruined him." Blake states.


"He's so cheesy now! He used to be ruthless and bad and a gang leader. Now he just wants to kiss and hug you all day. When was the last time he took a girl on a date?" He asked Mason who was scarfing down his third breakfast plate. Mason stopped eating and looked up in thought.

"6 years ago? Maybe? When he was, what, 13? He asked that girl out. What was her name?"

"Jennifer Crouley. I remember the big tits and that giant ass of hers. For a 13 year old she was damn hot." Alex answered while washing the dishes.

"That's right! Congrats Cat, you're his first date in 6 years." For some reason that made me nervous. What if it's not as good as he wants it to be? What if I fuck it up some how? What if it ends terribly and we can't even be friends after? My panic must has shown on my face because Blake started chuckling.

"You'll be fine, Cat." Alex patted my shoulder, comfortingly. I nodded and left the room.

I wondered if it was because it was Caleb's first date in 6 years or if was the fact that I was going on a date, with Caleb that got to me. My panic didn't exactly subside when I decided to spend the day in my room playing on Caleb's x-box.

"DIE BITCH ASS ZOMBIE!" I shouted as I blew the head off of a zombie with a shotgun.

"Damn, now I know what my brother sees in you." A voice made me pause the game and turn to the door.

Jayde stood leaning on the door frame with a small smile on her face. Her long brown hair put up in a ponytail and her arms were crossed over her chest. She looked strikingly like her brother.

"You ready for your date? I can't wait to give you a makeover." She walked in and stuck her hand out to me. I took it with a sigh.

"No dress. Light make up. Don't make me look like those blonde bitches at my school." She nodded with a chuckle, pushing me to the shower.


Caleb's POV

I had everything ready and I was waiting for Cat to come out into the living room. It was 6 o'clock and I wanted to show her that I did care for her, that nothing she does will make me leave her.

I looked at my watch, tapping my foot as I waited impatiently. "Jayde are you coming or not!?" I shouted towards my room.

"Finishing touches!" She shouted back. Not even 2 minutes later, the sounds of heels clicking pulled my attention. I looked to the entrance of the room and saw Cat walking in a short black dress, but managed to come out looking innocent. Her hair was curled at the end and she looked absolutely stunning.

"I told her no dress but somehow she managed to pin me down." She glared at Jayed that had followed behind her. "But thanks." Then I realised I said it out loud and smiled at her. I put my hand out to her and she took it with a smile. I kissed her hand, making her blush. I loved seeing her blush, she looked beautiful.

"I think you look perfect." She blushed again and adverted her gaze. "Ready?" I stuck my arm out to her and she pushed her hand through the loop. Just her touch made me hot and suddenly I felt really nervous. She smiled up at me and nodded.

I opened the door and prayed to God that I wouldn't fuck this up.

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