[5]Hell to pay

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It turned out I have Math with Caleb as well Art and Music according to his schedule. When the final bell rang I felt myself breathe a sigh of relief. I could finally get away from Caleb and his incessant flirting. I'm ready to let off some steam.

I head out to the parking lot, ready to jump into my 67 Chevy Impala when I hear the annoying sound of clicking coming towards me. Turning around, I come face to face with the one and only Queen Bitch.

"I told you to stay away from Caleb! He is way out of your league! This is your last warning." Mindy has a glare on her face so intense that if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"Ok first of all, I don't give a shit what you say because you are insanely annoying, and while you might control everyone else in this school, you can't and won't control me. Second of all I'm not the one practically stalking him. He's the one following Me! I've told him to leave me alone, he won't listen. You got a problem with him hanging out with me then go talk to him about it because just because you want to play whore doesn't mean I'm going to! NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" By the end of my rant she is staring at me with fear in her eyes while I stare her down with the most intimidating stance I own.

She quickly recovers and smirks.


The sound echoed across the parking lot as my head whips to the side. All sound stops as the students stop what they're doing to see the commotion. I slowly bring my face up with a calm expression. Her smirk still on her face and I smile at her.

"That all you got?" She looks at me with hatred in her eyes. "My turn." I raise my fist and punch her in the face with little of my strength, but it still manages to push her on the ground.

"YOU BROKE MY NOSE! YOU FUCKING BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" She gets up from the ground and goes to slap me again. Her hand is an inch away from my face before I grab her wrist. Her eyes bulge out of her head and starts to tug on her hand. It's like a baby trying to pull a doll away from its mother. I smirk.

"What? Trying to run before it gets fun?" Then as quickly as lightning I fold her arm so that it's bent irregularly. Too much pressure and it'll snap. I wasn't going to break her arm, but she didn't know that. "Now, what was it that you said you were going to do? Kill me? I'd like to see you try. I'm done wasting my energy on you." I let go of her arm and she staggers back and crashes into her group of minions. They all fall to the floor. I look around and notice I've drawn a crowd. Caleb is standing on one side, with a shocked look on his face, slowly turning it into a smile. I look away and back at Mindy.

"Wait 'till Principal Robinson hears about this." She said with a smirk.

"You mean how you slapped me and harassed me first?" I start walking to my car.

"You have no proof! Who's he gonna believe? Most popular girl in school who everyone loves?" A lot of people snicker at that and I can't help but break into a smile. She glares at the kids who laughed before continuing. "Or a stupid outcast who no one cares about?" She says with a triumphant smug look on her face.

"Well I could always show the video footage I have. I mean, you'd be stupid to not have some sort of camera in your car. You know, in case there were some sort of 'accident'." Her face falls before quickly changing to hatred. "Don't worry. I won't tell if you won't." I smile at her with a wink before getting in my car. Her face red as a tomato. She lets out a huff and stomps her foot on the floor, looking like a child throwing a temper tantrum, before walking away with her minions trailing her.

I pull out of the parking lot with a grin on my face, the sound of my engine roaring as I press the gas. I look at the window to see the students still eyeing me and my car, I roll down my window with a sigh. "Okay folks show's over! Get on with your lives! Ya-da, ya-da. You know the drill! No one snich or there will be hell to pay from both parties!" With that everyone turns and walks away with incredulous speed. Everyone except one. Caleb is standing next to my car with his arms crossed and an impressed look. I grimace. "Can I help you?" I say with a deathly sweet voice.

"Absolutely." He winks.

"Gross." I say just as my phone starts to ring.

"Yo!" I yell into my phone.

"Don't fucking yell you dumbass!" Ray screams back and I let out a laugh. "You got a fight at 10pm down at Sully's Ally. Don't be late."

"Seriously?!?" I scream with excitement. "Thank God I needed to let out some steam. So who's my opponennnntt...." I drag out the last word as I notice Caleb still standing next to my car. Confusion written on his face. I stare back at him. "You know what, I'll call you later... dad." I try to throw him off a bit but you can tell he doesn't believe me.

"Dad? What the fuck are you talking about... Oh! There's someone there, I got you. Hold on let me start yelling." I take a short breath intake and cringe at what's gonna happen next. "CATHRINE BLACKWOOD!" I hold the phone farther from my ear, and Caleb jumps a bit at the volume. "YOU GET HOME RIGHT NOW! YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A WEEK!" I can see Caleb look at me with pity.

"Yeah sure I'll be home soon. Bye dad." I hang up and let out a slow shaky breath. Damn my acting is good.

"Hey you okay?" Caleb looks at me with concern in his eyes. Concern, and something else, but I can't figure out what the something else is...

"Yeah..." I pause for effect. "I-I'm fine." Get that stutter in there. "I'll see you tomorrow." He opens his mouth to say something but I speed out before he can say anything. I call back Ray once on my way home, with a wide grin on my face.

"Okay so tell me about the match..."

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