[27] My Fault

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I know it's late, but Happy Spring break!! 

Here is your chapter for the week!

Love you guys! <3



 I kept my head down the whole time during school. Whenever a teacher would talk to me, I'd glare at them until they'd give up and pick another student. I was so scared the whole time, thinking about how Trevor had tracked me all the way down here. I was insanely worried about Kayla, and whether or not she was safe at her school.

I was suspicious of everyone. Anyone could be bought, with the right price, to do anything. That's usually how hitmen start, being paid to take out one guy, then more people make request with even more money, and not being able to say no. Whenever someone spoke to me, which was rare anyways, I'd tense up and grow wary.

Caleb had been eyeing me in concern since this morning. I didn't wait for him before going to school. I told him I had to speak to my teachers about some project, but instead I was just packing up my car.

I didn't want to leave Caleb. I realized something last night; that I really did love him. I don't know how, or when, but at some point he snuck his way into my heart. I fell for the fucking gang leader. Like how does that even happen? Run from one only to end up loving another. It's like my heart never learns.

"Ms. Blackwood, am I interrupting?" I snapped out of my thoughts, barely hiding my flinch.

"No, of course-" I paused and glanced out the window, where I saw a familiar truck. "You know what, yes you are. May I be excused?" I asked already getting up, keeping my eyes on the truck.

"Of course not! Sit back down!" She yelled as I pushed past her.

"Thanks!" I ran out the door, ignoring the stares of the other students, and bolted down the halls. I needed to get out, and get out now.

I passed a door, glancing at it slightly and stopping in my tracks when I saw Caleb sitting in the back. He glanced out the door, widening his eyes as he noticed me and started to get up. I shook my head, throwing him one last glance before running towards the back of the school.

As soon as I opened the last door, I heard Caleb calling me, his voice echoing through the currently empty halls. I ignored him and ran to my car. I needed to pick up Kayla, as soon as possible. If they were here, they'd already gotten to her. The ignition started and Caleb burst through the door, looking for me.

"Cat!" He shouted, but I ignored him. He jumped on the car, making me jump in my seat. "Cat, open the door." His breath fogged the window.

"I can't Caleb! I can't fight them." I cried and pressed on the gas, leaving him behind, and drove to Kayla.

My phone kept ringing over and over again, so I turned if off. I drove calmly, not wanting to attract attention, but on the inside, I was freaking out. I kept spinning my head, looking for Trevor, or his people at every turn every corner, fucking everywhere, until I pulled up at the school. I parked the car quickly, and bolted in. I ran to the counter, startling the receptionist.

"I need Kayla. Now." I said, leaving no room for discussion. She looked at me confused.

"A man came earlier claiming he was her father, she said he was, so we let her go." She said, her voice laced with confusion.

"I thought you weren't supposed to let people who weren't on the list take the kids out!" I shouted at her, making her flinch.

"She said he was her father..." She whispered, suddenly scared.

"HE WASN'T HER FATHER!" I shouted and ran out of the school. As the air hit my face realization fell.

They took Kayla.

I was too late.

This is all my fault.

I felt lightheaded and swayed on my feet, falling on the stairs into a seated position. I placed my hands on both sides of my head and stared at my feet, in shock. I felt a hand on my shoulder, sending those familiar tingles through my body.

"Cat." He murmured taking a seat and wrapping his arms around me. "We're going to find her, my Katarina." He whispered as he rubbed my back. And that did it.

I cried.

I cried into his chest, letting it all out as I basically began to scream into his shirt, shaking as the hysterical cries left my lips. The tears fell, and they fell hard, basically soaking his shirt. "She's gone, Caleb. They fucking took her. I was too late. I was too fucking late." I yelled.

"Hey it's not your fault." I pushed away, standing up and facing him in anger.

"Don't tell me it's not my fault, because I know for a fact all of this is MY FAULT!" I started pacing, while he sat there, waiting for me to calm down. "If I'd just listened 8 years ago. If I'd let him win like they said. My family would be alive. Kayla would be safe. I wouldn't have been kidnapped. I know that this is all MY GODDAMNED FAULT! I'm not the kind of person to blame myself for everything. I'm reasonable. I've spent night after night, thinking of a way to not make any of this my fault. Because I couldn't take the guilt of knowing I basically killed my parents. But in the end there was no one left to blame but myself. So don't fucking TELL me that it WASN'T! MY! FUCKING! FAULT!" My chest rose and fell with each heaving breath. I'd gotten it all out. I've known it was all my fault since they kidnapped me. They told me I deserved it; everything that came to me. They'd remind me day and night about how everything was my fault. That if I listened to them, everything would have worked out fine. I'd deny them and call them all crazy and insane. I fought them everyday. In the end I gave up, and listened. I wasn't about to let them do the same to Kayla.

"Don't look at me like that." I told Caleb while he watched me like an animal ready to pounce. "They fucking took her Caleb." I stopped in front of him, with determination suddenly filling my eyes. "And I'm going to kill them all." 

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