[17] Shit...

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Sorry it's late, still grounded. <3



I stayed home from school today. My bruises were too hard to hide before class and I need some time to think. What am I going to do? MY feelings for Caleb are growing, and nothing I do can stop that.

Maya took Kayla to school this morning, she wouldn't let me out of bed. I wonder how she's doing with the guys.


Maya's POV

I'm worried for Cat. I get she's saving up but it hurts to see her in pain. She's not in school today. I didn't let her come.


"Yes Caleb?" I turned around.

"Where's Cat?" Damn, this boy is into her.

"She's sick, she'll be back tomorrow."

"Oh... " He slumped back in his chair and I noticed his arm in a sting and his wrist in a cast. His face had bruises everywhere and his knuckles were covered in scabs.

"Hey what happened to you?" I smiled, already knowing the answer.

"I got in a fight last night." I small smile played at his lips. "Damn, she was incredible. I haven't had a fight like that in years."

"That's my girl" I mumbled with a smile. I looked up and Caleb is looking at me with curiosity shining in his eyes. "What?"

"Who's your girl?" His eyes narrowed.

"Oh, no one..." I turned back to the lesson.


"Yes, Caleb?"

"I'm gonna visit Cat after school wanna come?" He narrowed his eyes again.

"No, I'm good. I helped her last night, I'm exhausted." I turned back and took out my phone.

"Hey, Caleb said he's visiting you after lunch. Cover up, I'll pick up Kayla."~MAYA

'Shit, why the hell? Nvm, thnx a lot. <3"~CAT

Good luck Cat...


Caleb's POV

Maya knows who I fought, and she knows who Black Widow is. I'll have to pay more attention but right now, Cat's sick and I have to go see her.

After lunch

I got a buddy of mine to find out where Cat lives, and right now I'm scared for her safety. The neighborhood is so sketchy I was scared to park my car, let alone get out of it. There were cars parked down the street, wheeless, and sitting on cinder blocks. Her home was small and falling apart. I walked up to the door and knocked. Soon, a series of different lock sounds were made before the door swung open. About six locks, I counted.

Cat stood in front of me, her face was pale and her posture was slouched, tired. She kept her weight on one side, and her knuckles were bloody. I thought I saw a bruise on her cheek but her hair blocked it.

"Caleb, what are you doing here?" I pushed my way into her her house.

"I heard, you were sick so I came to take care of you." I jumped on the couch.

"I don't need you to take care of me, leave." She pointed to the door.

"No, you're sick and I want to help." I got up and gripped her waist to pull her to me and she winced.

"No, you need to leave." She stumbled out of my grip and I caught her before she fell. My hand was wrapped around her waist and her hands were holding onto my shoulders. I could smell her perfume, like roses. Our noses were grazing and I couldn't help but look at her lips. She closed her eyes and stood up, pulling out of my arms. I felt empty, I needed her in my arms.

"I'm not leaving." I plopped down on the couch.

"Ugh, fine. Let's just watch a movie or something then." She walked to the tv and put on a movie, then plopped down next to me.

We watched in silence, and about half way through the movie, she laid her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

"Why are you here Caleb?" She whispered.

"I couldn't leave you alone." I brushed the hair out of her face.

"Why? Why do you care?" She looked up at me.

"I don't know, but I feel like I can't leave you alone. I want to be there for you." I cupped her face and leaned, I felt her breath on my face.
"Caleb, I can't." She held my hand but didn't move back.

"I can't forget you Cat. I can't ignore what you do to me." She looked down.

"What happened to your arm?" She had a smile playing on her face.

"I got in a fight."

"Who won?" She looked back up at me with a grin forcing it's way on her lips.

"The other guy." I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck, she chuckled.

"I'm glad you're okay." She whispered.

I smiled at her and we sat there staring into each other's eyes. Her hand still held my hand against her cheek. I leaned in slowly, my lips barely grazing hers.

"This is a bad idea." She whispered with a small smile.

"Is it?" she hummed. "It's a good thing I don't listen." I smashed my lips to hers. The familiar flavor of her lips filled that hole inside of me. I gripped her waist and brought her closer. She hissed and bit my lip, but pulled me to her.

I trailed my tongue on her lip and she opened her mouth. I didn't waste any time. I massaged my tongue on hers and felt her trail her hands into my hair. I groaned and leaned her back on the couch, hovering over her. I broke the kiss and stared at her. She is so beautiful.

"You're so beautiful." She blushed and smiled and pulled me back in. I kissed her like my life depended on it.

I trailed kisses down her neck. She gasped making me smile against her skin, as I sucked on the spot. Her hands ran up and down my chest and I took my shirt off. Her eyes clouded with lust. I kissed her cheek and then her jaw. She shivered under me and I finally met her lips. We moved in sync as my tongue explored her mouth.

"Caleb..." She moaned and I got so hard it hurt. My fingers trailed at the hem of her shirt. I slipped under and started caressing her skin. She felt so good under me. We separated and I pulled her shirt off. I was about to kiss her again when something made me stop.

"Where the fuck did you get that?!" I felt so angry. There was a giant bruise on her ribs and it looked so swollen. She stopped and looked down at the bruise, her eyes widened and she looked at me guiltily. I waited for an explanation but all she said was:


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