[9]Caleb's POV

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Caleb's Pov

Night after Cat left

    I watched her leave on that sick bike of hers. Her hair blowing in the wind as she sped off on an awesome wheeley.

 "Oh, come on!!" I yelled after her, and heard her let out a laugh. It was beautiful. Her laugh sounded so sweet, and natural. It surprised me to find out that laugh came from such a vicious fighter like her.

I smiled to myself and walked back into the bar.  I found my friends on the floor, still recovering from Black Widow's fury. I couldn't help but laugh at the scene. Mason laid on the floor rubbing his neck after passing out from a punch to the neck.  Blake stood in the corner with a napkin up to his neck and a fucked up, bruised face.  Alex, was sitting at the bar with an ice bag to his nose. He had dried blood all over his face and shirt. Jackson was rubbing his neck after he passed out because of that choke hold she had him in.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?!" Blake yelled at me and I laughed even harder.

"4v1 and you still get your asses handed to you by a girl!" He grimaced but didn't say anything. It took me a while but after a few seconds of nonstop hysterical laughing, I stood up and contained myself. "Shit, that was funny. Ha ha, you guys alright?" I could feel the laugh starting up again.

"No we're not alright you prick! Why didn't you help us?!" Jackson got up and yelled in my face. Though his voice sounded hoarse, his anger came through.

"You guys were in the wrong." I walked behind the bar and poured myself a glass a whiskey. "I mean come on, 4v1? 4 GUYS against 1 GIRL! I mean seriously, she made you crash your car so what? You've got like 6 others, and that was the cheapest one. Get your head out of your ass and deal with your fucked up pride without being a dick." I gulped back the whiskey and turned to the guys. None of them would look me in the eye, they knew I was right. I always am.

"Where'd you go after the fight man?" Mason asked, getting off the floor

"I was outside making out with Black Widow." I shrugged and sipped the drink again.

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"She kicked our asses and you fucking make out with her!?"

"What the fuck man!?"

All three were yelling at me, I sighed and finished my whiskey, waiting for them to shut up and let me talk. After a few incoherent yelling, they stopped and waited for answers.

"I made out with her because 1) She is fucking sexy as hell. 2) It was a spur of the moment. I originally went out there to ask her to join us, seeing as she managed to beat 4 of you at once, but things happened. And 3) She is fucking sexy as hell! Now shut up and lets go clean yourselves up before tomorrow. Alex and Jackson I transferred you into my school. Don't want a first bad day of school now do we?" I got up and head back to the gang's house.


The next morning I dropped off my little bro Max and I saw Cat standing there watching a little girl run into the school.  She wore black tights and a loose hoodie with her combat jeans.  Her ass looked fantastic. Out of nowhere her face fell into a worried frown and I looked and saw the little girl gone.

I walked up to her but she didn't notice. She was staring at the ground, zoned out.

"Hey, you okay?" She turned to me and I saw a slight blush creeping up on her face, but it was gone before it appeared, turning into a scowl.    

"Yeah I'm fine, what are you doing here? Stalking me again?" I snorted. I couldn't believe she still thought I was stalking her.  I just thought she was hot. I've never seen someone like her. Not to sound cheesy or anything but she is fucking majestic looking. I remembered she asked me a question and nodded my head towards Max who was talking to his friends walking inside.  I saw her eyes open a bit, realizing I had brother who looks almost exactly like me.

"Oh, you have a brother? He looks like you..." She stopped herself, but it sounded like she was going to say something. "See you at school." She turned and I saw something purple on her cheek.

"Hey wait hold up! What happened to your cheek?!" I cupped her cheek to get a better look. Is that a bruise? HOW THE HELL'D SHE GET A BRUISE ON HER CHEEK!!? I'LL KILL THE BASTARD!

"Um...nothing. My sister jumped on me this morning and the shelf on top of my bed fell and hit me in the face." She said with confidence but it didn't sound right.  I accepted what she told me and moved my hand down her face to her neck, brushing away some of her beautiful wine colored hair. I saw another bruise on her neck but this wasn't out of pain. I felt so much rage when I saw the hickey on her neck.

"Where did you get this one?" My voice monotone. I tried to keep control, but it was fucking hard.  I was fucking mad. No one fucking touches my girl! What the fuck? My girl? Where'd that come from? Nevermind back to the hickey.    

"I...er....well...um..." She couldn't finish her excuse, enraging me even more.  "That's none of your business."

"Cat," I said warning her to tell me the truth. I took up an intimidating stance, but she didn't even shift. "Tell me who gave you this. Now."


"Why what?"

"Why do you want to know who gave it to me? You aren't my boyfriend. Hell you aren't even my friend. So why the hell do you want to know who gave me the hickey?" I couldn't respond to that.  Why did I care so much? She was right. I had no right to get mad, but that didn't stop me from being so. I tried to say something but nothing came out.  "Exactly."

She turned and walked to her car.  My anger boiling over. I had no idea why I was so mad, but I just was. I couldn't stop it.  She turned in her car to look at me, and I saw her gold eyes shining at me.  My fists balled up but I kept my face dead.  Her eyes held a familiar glimmer in it. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember why it felt so familiar.

Could she be...? No, she couldn't be. Black Widow was bleach blonde and looked totally different.
But the bruises matched where the guys had hit her. And the hickey was in the same spot, but it looked faded.  It'd make sense. But her hair was an entirely different color... But it could be dyed...
"I'll find out what you're hiding Cat, even if it kills me." I mumbled to myself before walking to my black ferrari 458 italia and driving to school.

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