[2] Stalker?

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Hey!!! Alice here!! Thanks for reading and leave a comment down bellow.

Tell me what you think!! <3

Enjoy the story :)

(Picture of Cat^^^)


Still holding my breath, trying to understand what the boy behind me jut said. I want you. His voice constantly repeating over and over in my head like a broken record. He wants me? No, no, no, NO! I was speechless, completely and utterly dumbfounded. Here I am, in the middle of class sitting in front of a mysterious new student. I look down at my outfit and really take in what I'm wearing; a dark blue oversized hoodie with black tights and combat boots. Obviously not dressed to impress seeing as it's the middle of the year and I don't really care about how I'm dressed.

I sat there completely zoned out and not paying attention at all to the lesson, fidgeting with the hem of my sleeves, waiting for the bell to ring. I stare at the clock hanging on the bland white wall of the classroom, watching the second hand tick its way to the 11:40 am mark for lunch, silently counting the seconds in my head as I put my belongings in my bag. 5...4...3...2... The bell rings and I dart out of class, skillfully maneuvering around the students making their way to the cafeteria.

I head to my locker and see my best friend, Maya, waiting for me. I stop running and head to a crouch position, trying to be as stealthy as possible. She doesn't notice me, and just as I'm about to pounce on her she turns around and lets out a behemoth type shriek. I cover my ears as fast as I can just like the rest of the students in the hallway, some even fall to their knees.

"AAAAH!! DON'T DO THAT! You scared the hell out of me!" She says as her voice reaches impossible octaves. "You know I scare easily!" She let out a pout as she lets her light brown hair out of her ponytail. Her brown eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I can tell." I gesture to the hallway filled with students still holding onto their hearing by threads. "I'm going to have to watch my back from now on, aren't I?" I put my things in my locker and start heading down to the cafeteria.

"I don't know what you can possibly be talking about." She said with an evil grin as she heads down the hallway with me.

We walk into the cafeteria and head to our own table in the back. Maya and I are the school's very own outcasts. People dislike my wine colored hair and golden eyes. They are a rare genetic mistake so people say I'm a freak of nature. Maya is the only one who hangs out with me, letting herself become an outcast and face the wrath of the cheerleaders. For blonde bimbos without minds of their own, they can be quite vicious.

I hear whispering and snickering as I sit down but it's nothing I haven't heard before. I'm about to take a bite out of my sandwich when a shade is cast down from behind me. Turning my head I come face to face with the "Queen Bee" captain of the cheer squad, Mindy Bauheart.

"Hi...Mindy..." I drag out each work, carefully trying to control my anger. "How can I help you this fine morning?" I say with so much sarcasm it's practically dripping from my lips.

"What were you and Caleb talking about during class?" Her glare strong as her blue eyes pierce mine. Hand quickly drawing back her bleach blonde hair before taking up her stance again, her minion Barbie dolls following her actions like robots doing a command all at once.

"Who?" I ask with complete honesty, but Mindy doesn't believe me. She never does.

"Don't play dumb with me!" She takes a more aggressive stance. "Oh wait! You aren't playing are you? You're just naturally stupid!" She lets out a hyena sounding laugh and her minions follow soon after. I patiently wait for them to shut up before I stand up, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes, my 5'7 easily towering over her small 5'4 figure. I can see a hint of fear flash in her eyes before she brings back a scowl.

"I don't know what or who you are talking about Mindy." I put emphasis on her name, like I'm mocking it, because I am.

"Whatever I don't care, just stay away from Caleb. He's mine!" She screams in my face. I start to growl at the proximity. Her breath reeked of, what I'm guessing was her lunch, tuna, making me want to gag but I held it in. My face turning red at the anger I'm holding in. Mindy notices so she turns and walks back to her table with the football players. She sits down, making one of the boys lean into her as she rubs herself on him in a what I assume to be her being "sexy" way, turning her head slightly so I can see her profile. She smirks and turns back.

Fuming with anger, I sit back down next to Maya. She eyes me carefully before she hands me a chocolate bar. That snickers commercial is spot on when it comes to me, I'm not me when I'm hungry. I place the sweet milk chocolate Hershey bar in my mouth and feel the anger slipping away, I smile in thanks and right then a boom goes through the cafeteria.

The boy with the accent is standing there in the middle of the door way, with his hands in his pocket. A smirk playing at his lips as the cafeteria goes silent. He opens his mouth and what he said shocks me.

"Hi, I'm Caleb." His smirk spread on his lips as his eyes slowly rake over the students in the cafeteria and, if possible, it widens even more when his eyes meet mine.


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<3 Alice

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