[14] Mistakes

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The thumping in my head woke me up. The room spun and my body ached with the minimal effort of moving. I sat up and found myself in my room, on the floor. At least I managed to get home... I got up and walked to the shower, trying to remember what happened last night.

I remember a cow, and a couple chickens, maybe a pig. I gave up on trying, thinking that it'd be too random to understand. Then my mind gave me one specific scene that caused me to almost let my knees buckle from under me. Caleb and I had sex.

"FUCK! This wasn't supposed to happen!" I hung my head, resting it against the cold, tiled wall. Letting the shower water relax my aching muscles. I went downstairs to the kitchen and found Maya sleeping like a starfish on the sofa. "OI! Get your fatass up! I'm in a state of panic!" I threw a pillow at her and she shot up in a panic, falling off the couch. I would have smiled were it not for the delicious memory of last night with Caleb. As much as I hated it, it was incredible.

"Bitch! What the fuck! I was sleeping!" She put the pillow I threw at her under her head and went back to sleep.

"I FUCKED CALEB! LAST NIGHT!" She shot up with wide eyes. Then relaxed.

"Oh yeah, I remember. You told him to forget it happened and he said he couldn't forget. My money's on him trying to get a date with you." She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

"Shit." I mumbled. "You want breakfast?" I started making pancakes when she hummed a reply.


"Ms. Blackwood, am I boring you?" I jumped up from my sleep, coming face to face with Ms Jenkens. Her hand on her hip, glaring at me.

"Actually yes, you are. Would you mind making the lesson a little more interesting? I'd love to actually be able to pay attention and not doze off." My face remained stoic throughout my rant, showing her my utmost boredom, while her's only turned into different shades of red.

"OUT!" She yelled. I plastered a wide grin on my face.

"Aww, thanks!" I got up and walked, slowly, out of the door, enraging her even further. I heard the snickers of the students around me and turned before walking out, making eye contact with Caleb. His smirk widened. "See you in detention later Ms Jenkens."

"GET OUT!" I chuckled and walked out.

I knew she wouldn't come out to talk to me, she gave up on that a while ago, so I decided to roam the halls. Passing lockers and classrooms, I made my way to the parking lot. I found a girl sitting on the hood of a 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat. She had brown hair and from where I could see, had very familiar green eyes. Her cheekbones were high, and she looked around 5'4. Suddenly the doors to the school opened and Caleb walked out. He smiled and walked to me.

"What did you do to get kicked out?" I asked with a bored tone.

"I just asked her why she's such a bitchy old hag." I chuckled and he looked up, towards the girl. "Hey Jayde." He walked up to her and she beamed. I compared the two. Is this his twin? I looked at them both as they hugged. They were, no doubt, twins. As far as I saw there were only two differences; their height, Caleb being around 6'5 and her being shorter than me, and she had brown eyes instead of green. "This is my sister, Jayde. Jayde this is Catherine, one of my closests friends. He winked at me, when I avoided his gaze.

"Hi nice to meet you. I can tell we'll be great friends." Her smile was so genuine and contagious, I found myself returning the smile.

"Likewise." I looked to Caleb and found him wearing a small smile as he watched our encounter. "So I'm just gonna go..." I started walking back.

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