[4] Fall for me

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Ugh! Kill me God! Let me go home to my sweet, sweet bed!

I still have 20 minutes before chemistry class starts so I decide to go out to the bleachers on the football field and smoke a cigarette. I take a puff and I can feel my stress and anger slowly melt away with the smoke filling my lungs. The relief has me closing my eyes as I relax against the back of the bleachers.

"Never took you for a smoker." I open one of my eyes to see who decided to disturb my peace. Leaning on the side of the stand, Caleb looks at me with a shocked expression.

"Hmm." I close my eyes and take another puff, trying to ignore him. I feel something shift next to me and I know it's Caleb from the tingles I feel on my skin.

"You know, I wasn't expecting that punch. I was pretty surprised."

"And why is that?" My eyes remain closed as I mummble.

"Well, you don't really expect a girl of 5'7 to be able to knock the air out of a 6'5 guy." He spoke with amusement in his voice. I opened my eyes and dared to look at him. He was a good 3 inches away from my face and my breathing hitched. He held admiration in his eyes.

"Well there's a lot of things you and everyone else in this school don't know about me." I whisper leaning in closer so that our lips are barely touching. I hear his breathing speed up as he glances at my lips and back to my eyes. He closes his eyes and right before he leans in for the kiss I get up quietly and start to walk away. I hear a thump and I look back at him. I can't help but let out a small chuckle as I see his face with grass around his lips and on his cheeks from his face plant.

"You are such a tease!" He yells with amusement as I walk away. Adding a little more sway to my hips as I walk back into the school.

The blue lockers are open as students pick their books out. The door closes behind me and the students snap their attention to me with expressions filled with disbelief.

Guess my little outburst was a pretty entertaining showpiece.

I ignore the stares like usual as the hallway clears for me to pass. This is new... I walk into chemistry as the bell rings.

"You're late Miss Blackwood. Detention after school with me." The Miss Jackens says without a glimpse at me since this is our usual routine. "And if you skip it again you'll end up with detention for a week."

"Whatever..." I mumble as I take my seat at the back.

My partner's seat is empty. My history with chemicals aren't the best. I mean it's not that I don't know what I'm doing. It's just that I DO know. Miss Jackens doesn't trust me with chemicals since last year's explosion. Let's just say her eyebrows are still growing back to their thick bushy state.

Ten minutes into the class, the door opens to reveal a smirking Caleb.

"You must be our new student." He nodded with a bright smile. "Class this is Caleb Grant, please take a seat next to Cathrine." I let out a groan and drop my head on the table, hearing the screeching of the chair next to me slide against the tiled floor.

"So looks like we not only have History together, but we also have Chemistry." He wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I can't help but let out a snicker at his little pun.

"Why don't you leave me alone? I mean, all the girls have been throwing themselves at you all day. Why don't you just, I don't know, entertain the female population?" I turn to him with a confused look. He stares back at me with a gaze, like he's searching for something in my eyes.

"You are the only one that hasn't tried anything with me. In fact, you've done everything in your power to stay away from me. I guess I just want to find out what makes you so different from the rest."

"Well can you stop trying to kiss me, it's getting annoying." I turn to the lesson, but I take a sharp breath intake as I feel his breath near my ear.

"No can do, because I'm going to find out your secrets and make you fall for me." I look at him and the proximity between us is intense.

"Excuse me!" We both turn at the voice of our teacher. "I'm sorry but am I interrupting something in the middle of MY class?"

"Nope!" Caleb replies with a wink at me and I blush.

I blushed?! I don't blush!! What is he doing to me!?!?!

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