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For those of you seeing the "... has updated..." check out the bottom bold underline. 

I just want to say thank you for all of you who supported me throughout this story. 

You've influenced my life so much it's indescribable. 

I hope you enjoyed my story and it reached your expectations. 

Thank you all for everything you've done for me. I can only hope I can do the same. 

Please enjoy the final chapter of The Boy With the Accent. 

Blease read the bold after the story for more information about a possible sequel.


 She's been crying for weeks.

I passed back and forth in front of the door to my room. It's been 3 weeks since Kayla's death and Katarina hasn't left the bed. I've had to carry her to the bathroom, bathe her, feed her all the while she cried. It's like she's soulless. There's no life in her anymore.

She eats the bare minimum needed to stay alive. She spends the whole day screaming and crying until her voice goes silent or until her body gives out from exhaustion. She won't let me near her. I sneak into the bed while she's asleep, holding her through her nightmares.

My heart breaks every time I see her. She's giving up and I couldn't fathom a world without her. I'd follow her anywhere. I'm going to help her heal again. I'm going to bring back my Katarina.

"Pacing in front of her room isn't going to help her." I looked up at Blake. His hair had grown out and he looked slightly older. "She needs help, Caleb. Professional help." I growled and threw a fist at him.

"I'm already helping her!" I snarled. He looked up at me, touching the blood dripping from his nose.

"Then be in there with her." He said standing up and walking away.

I realized what he meant. The screaming stopped meaning she's asleep. I opened the door and crawled into the bed, wrapping my arms around her fragile, boney form. "I love you, my Katarina. I'm so sorry." I whispered, placing a kiss on her temple. She snuggled my body and whispered. "I'm sorry Caleb." I looked down at her in question but her eyes remained closed, breathing deeply.


As soon as I woke up I noticed the missing body heat. A pillow lay in my arms instead of the broken girl. I sat up, searching the room but found nothing. "Katarina?" I shouted but received no response. I ran to the bathroom, found nothing and went into the living room. I ran around the base, looking in every bedroom, bathroom, closet, leaving absolutely no room unchecked as I shouted her name frantically.

"What the fuck is going on?" The boys walked out of their rooms, yawning.

"Katarina's gone." They woke up quickly.

"What do you mean she's gone? She hasn't moved from your bed in 3 weeks and suddenly she just disappeared?" Mason shouted.

I ignored him and searched the room, looking through the closet and finding some clothes had gone missing. I shouted and began throwing the things in my room. Then I saw it. The white note laying at her bedside. I ran to it and ignored the tears that fell from my eyes as I read the note.

Dear Caleb,

First of all: I love you. I'm so sorry for leaving like this but I don't think my heart would have survived a real goodbye. I've lost so much I've just about lost myself.

I can't thank you enough for everything that you've done for me. You've shown me what it's like to love someone for real and with all of my heart. You protected me with all your strength and you never stopped chasing me.

Now that my family is gone, I have nothing left. I know you said you'd be there but I want to start anew. Everything reminds me of her and I can't keep myself stuck in our room because I'm too scared and broken to face the world. I can't stay there anymore and I can't ask you to move. Maya doesn't know what I planned. I don't need her help anymore and I won't ask her to leave with me. Not this time.

Please tell everyone how much I love them and how I'll never forget them. Thank them for everything they've done for me. I've never had such incredible friends before from any other town. Caleb, you changed my world. You came in and made me break all of my rules, you made me do things I never thought I'd do, and you gave me the best days of my life. You gave me the happiness I never thought possible.

But now I'm asking you not to chase me. I want to start something new, I want to become something new. Maybe I'll come back one day, to visit. But I don't want you to wait for me. I don't know how long it will be until then but please, try to move on.

I love you so much Caleb and I always will,

I'll never forget about the Boy with the Accent that stole my heart and put me back together.

I'm sorry,




And that's it.

I cried finishing it. I can't believe it's actually done. 



If you want more stories written by yours truly, check out my profile for other books. 

Kings and Thieves (to be taken down on December  1st)

Night Thief  

Devil's Daughter 

TBWTA Smutty Scenes are where you can find the sex scenes for this book. (Only two, but very steamy ;))

I wrote multiple different endings for this story but I decided to end it this way because I didn't want it to be cliche or expected. (Although some of you probably expected it.)

Here's to the 26,357 words that have begun my Wattpad life. 

I hope you enjoyed the story.

My last goodbye for this book:

Love you guys so much,


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