[19] Label

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Hey guys the show Lucifer came out last week and is showing episode 2 tonight!! I watched the first episode and I'm already hooked! it's so good!! Watch it!!





After Caleb forced me to join his gang, we sat in the living room watching movies the rest of the night. Neither of us were fit to fight so we had to lay low for a while and stay away from Sulley's Alley.

I was laying my head on Caleb's shoulder with his arm wrapped around me, while Kayla was on the floor drawing and Maya was in the chair on the side.

"Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're together. You're just really comfy." I snuggled up into his arm, trying to steal his warmth. He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.

"Tell yourself what you need to believe."

"I'm just saying if I happened to get asked out I'd think about it. I mean, we aren't going out so you aren't allowed to get jealous." He growled and pulled me on his lap, pushing his nose into the crook of my neck.

"I'll kick anyone's ass if they come near you."

"And I'd kick your ass if you do that."

"It'd be worth it if I get to keep you all to myself." He placed small butterfly kisses on my skin and my eyes fluttered closed. I pushed him away with a stern look on my face but he must have known I had liked the kisses by the grin on his face. I humphed and got off his lap, going into the kitchen. The rest of the night was spent watching movies and snuggling on the couch.


The Next Day

"So what is actually going on with you and Caleb, seriously? He acts like your boyfriend and you let him. Don't get me wrong I love you guys together, but you need to put a label on this relationship." Maya pushed through Math.

"I need to do no such thing. If he wants to act a certain way, then so be it. I can't control him. And also it's not like I could kick his ass whenever I feel like it. I'm not that cold." The bell rang and we walked to my locker.

"I'm just sayin, Homecoming is coming up and you're going. No matter what." She looked behind me and cracked a smile. All of a sudden arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into a strong chest.

"Hey, babe." His breath tickled my ear and I uselessly bit my lip to hide the growing smile.

"I'm not your babe, Caleb."

"You will be." He kissed my neck and looked up. "Hey Maya. Is everything ready?" I looked at Maya with my eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, everything's ready. But I wouldn't get your hopes up, she's stubborn." She winked at me and walked away. I turned in Caleb's arms to face him.

"What was that about?" I narrowed my eyes at the grinning idiot in front of me.

"Oh nothing." Someone cleared their throat. I looked behind Caleb and sure enough, Mindy stood behind him with her minions backing her up. Caleb let one arm go but kept the other wrapped around me, with me snuggly flushed against him. Mindy's smile faltered a bit but she kept at it.

"So I hear you guys are a thing?" Her anger flashed in her eyes as she looked at me but her smile portrayed niceness.

"Yes." "No". I looked at Caleb and glared. "No, we are not."

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