[15] Ladies and Pigs!

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After detention I drove home and did my homework. About an hour later Maya came home with Kayla in tow.

"CAT!!" Kayla jumped into my arms.

"Hey sweetie. Maya's gonna babysit you tonight okay? I have work." Her face fell.

"Please don't get hurt." She whispered as she hugged me.

"I promise I'll come back baby. It's okay. I love you."

"I love you too Kitty."

"Hey so do you need me to pay you? It's okay, I can pay if you want." I offered Maya.

"Don't be ridiculous, you need the money more than I do. I don't have to support my family. My services are free of charge, exclusively to the Blackwood residence." She winked.

"You're a lifesaver. Alright go do your homework I gotta go get ready." I put Kayla down and let her run to her room. Maya plopped onto the couch and started watching tv.

I went to my room and made myself blonde with a caked face. When I finished hiding myself, it was already 9:40 so I took my bike and drove off to Sully's Alley.

I nodded at the bouncer and he let me in. He's an old friend of mine after I beat the crap out of his sister's boyfriend for hitting her. He's alright.

"Hey how are you?" Ray asked when I sat at the bar.

"I'm fine. Growing too attached. That might cause some problems." He nodded and gave me a beer.

"Get rid of them nerves." He winked and went to announce a fight. 15 mins later and it was my turn. I finished my beer and got in position.

"Ladies and pigs!!" I chuckled. He loves teasing his audience. "Tonight! We have a new addition!! One of the lovely fighter's who had the pleasure of bothering Black Widow two nights ago, for those of you who were here, will be fighting here tonight! In this corner, the newest kid on the block!! BLAKE!!!" I snapped my head at the name. If he's here then that means...

I quickly looked around, looking for the green eyes, and I found them. He had a girl on either side of him, rubbing themselves on him. My heart tugged in pain from the sight, but my expression remained the same; stoic, dead.

He turned and our eyes met. He smirked at me with a wink, but I just raised my brow, unimpressed, and looked back to the ring.

"And in this corner!! Providing you with, once again, gruesome entertainment and an unsuspecting rematch!!! The ONE AND ONLY!! BLACK WIDOW!!!" The crowed cheered as I walked up to the ring.

My hood covering my face as people cheered to see my dead eyes. Ray nodded at me and I took my hood off, exposing my scars. I still had the bruise under my cheek but I decided to show it off instead of hiding it. I wore a sports bra and boxer shorts this time, exposing my back even more and showing off my scars from when I was whipped. The crowd grew silent as they murmured about my scars. My face remained stoic, never taking my eyes off of Blake, as he too looked at my destroyed body. "Are you ready!" We both nodded and fist bumped. "BEGIN!"

I took up my stance as he started to shift his feet, hopping around and circling me. I noticed he prefers his left side, he leaned on his left a lot more when he shifted his feet. "You took me by surprise last time. This time, I'm ready for you." He threw a punch as soon as he finished talking. I parried the blow with my arm, pushing it aside and punching him in the jaw, making him stumbled back.

He jumped back up and pushed himself forward, I spun around him, avoiding the attack and kicked him in the left side of his ribs. He almost fell again, but he caught himself and straightened up.

His ragged breathing was the only thing I focused on over the blasting cheers of the crowd. My breath was calm, I hadn't even broken a sweat.

He charged at me again and punched left. I leaned to the side and caught his arm, throwing him over my shoulder and onto the floor, face down with his arm at an irregular angle. I held his hand in a position where I could break it.

"Tap out." I spoke with clear, calm, warning in my voice. He started thrashing a little. I put more pressure on his wrist and leaned forward, hitting a pressure point and knocking him unconscious. The bell rang and I straightened up.

"THE WINNER!!! AGAIN!!" He leaned in my ear. "Hey are you okay getting another fight? Someone wanted to go next and it was open if ur up for it." All I did was nod. "Ladies and gents do I have a present for you! A double feature! Black Widow will be fighting once again!!" The crowed cheered. "The fearless, the vicious, Black Widow will be fighting another newbie in our lovely city!! This one has a reputation!! The Hurricane!!!" I've heard of him. Supposedly undefeated.

Until today.

I searched the crowd for The Hurricane and my heart nearly stopped when he stepped up. I didn't speak more than a whisper as he gazed back at me with those bright, green eyes.



Not much I know and I'm sorry, but come sunday and I'll have a chapter ready for you guys I promise!

Thanks for the 3k reads!! Omg this is amazing!

Love you guys!


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