[20] The Past

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So I got a bunch of comments and messages saying how they didn't want the cover to change so I've decided I'm not going to change it. 

For the people who sent me covers, thank you for your support but I'm just going to keep the old cover. 

You guys are the best and I love you guys so much!!!

Also I just want to thank all of you guys for helping me get to #10 in Action!! You guys are incredible!!

Love you guys! <3



 After school, Caleb picked up Kayla and drove us home. We worked on our homework together. He finish and ended up watching tv on the couch as Kayla went to shower. His arm wrapped around me, holding me against his chest.

"Cat?" I hum a response. "Where are your parents?" I visibly stiffen. "I've been here a lot and I haven't seen them once." I get out of his hold.

"Get out." I whisper, looking away.

"What? Cat it was just a question you don't have to answer." He pulls on my hand, making me sit back down next to him. A single tear slips out of my eye. "You don't have to tell me now. I can wait till you're ready. You can trust me Cat. I'd never hurt you. Except that one time when you kicked my ass." I chuckled at the memory, making him smile. We go back to the movie playing on the tv. Maybe I should tell him. He's protecting me after all. But he might think I'm weak. Or he'll get mad and attack the gang and get everyone killed. No he wouldn't do something that stupid. I looked up at him. Now or never, you can do this Cat.

"I was 14 and Kayla was 4 at the time. I started being Black Widow and I was beating fights after fights. I was feared. I'd relish in the blood I'd spill and I'd love the fight, the pain. I was going to go up against the leader of a gang and they didn't take it very lightly." Kayla walked in from her shower with a smile on her face that disappeared when she saw my tears.

"Cat? What's wrong?"

"I'm telling him our story. It's your call to show him, sis." She looked at me and nodded. She hesitantly turned around and lifted up her shirt up to her armpits. The horror stretched onto Caleb's face as he gazed at the marks on her back. White scarred lines, some as thick as my fist and as long as my arm, cutting across her entire back. "I was at a fight when they broke into our house. They killed my parents and scarred Kayla, so I'd back out against their boss, they tried to make me look like a coward. I came home and found her on the floor, bleeding to death with a note attached to her forehead saying throw the fight, or we're coming back, and worse. But being the stubborn dumbass I am I didn't want them to get their way, so during the fight I gave it my all. He was on the floor, nearly unconscious when I heard the click of a switchblade. He stabbed me in the leg," I lifted my pants and showed a white scar on my thing. "right here. I punched him in the throat and took his knife, the adrenaline was pumping too much and before I knew it..." My voice choked as I remembered what I did. "Before I knew it I plunged the knife into his chest and killed him. They've been after us ever since. We moved a couple of times before and I always changed my name. My real name, is Katerina Bellanova. I was named after my great great grandmother." I said with a small smile on my face as I remembered my mother telling me the story of my name, tears streaming down my face. Kayla climb onto my lap. "Whenever someone found out who I was, I couldn't risk it leading to the gang, so I'd leave."

"You don't have to leave. I'd never tell anyone, I swear. And you don't have to tell the guys, only if you want to. It'll be okay." He pulled me closer into his chest as he kissed my forehead. Kayla laid on my chest, snuggled under my nose. "On a cheerier note," he gave me a smile as he got off the couch. "come on. I wanna show you the House. If you're gonna be in the gang, then you need to live with us." I nodded.

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