September 22

40 6 0

When I told my mother about what happened with Dolly, she did not slap me, she did not yell at me, and she did not cry. It was the first time she treated me like a human. She's getting there.

I still felt these things for Dolly, but now I knew that I would never let her hurt me ever again. I had given her a second chance to prove her altruism, but she spent it on this guy. I still didn't really know who he was, either. Figures.

I came to school in all floral, since it was tropical day for spirit week. I was nervous about my outfit though because I was wearing a crop top... I may be skinny but I don't have the girliest figure.

I walked into Mrs. Finch's class before her meeting started. I knew that the whole science department had a meeting at 7:20, so I didn't have much time.

"Good morning! Feeling better? Sleep always helps."

"Eh, I didn't get much sleep, but my mom convinced me to smile through it."

The older woman gave a neutral expression, as if she couldn't decide whether my mother was right or not. I couldn't decide whether it was good or not either, but I decided to just do what an adult told me to do for once. I had spent the last two years of my life discovering myself and it hasn't worked out too well. Maybe it's because I never listened to someone of superior knowledge.

I sat down and took out my MacBook. I began writing the newest book I was aspiring to complete. Tranquility filled the room until it popped like a balloon.

"You know, you made Ms. Hedging really upset yesterday... After you left she got all sad and wouldn't tell me why."

I didn't care much about her yet. She gave great advice so far, but as far as I was concerned she hated me. She was young and emotional anyways. I doubted that I directly hurt her.

"I'm going to the meeting now... Have a good day at school. My suggestion is focusing on yourself for right now. You deserve it."

She was right. I never really spent time focusing on myself. I was always worrying about someone, whether it be Dolly or Dakota or another person. I never had a moment to think about myself.

Class didn't start for another hour since it was Zero Hour today. It happened every Tuesday. I went to my skinny hour and was relieved to see that Dolly wasn't present. She was probably at the library with Brianna.

Sasha, Gretchen, and I were all alone for half an hour. It was serene and composed. Our conversations were orderly and unbroken. It felt like good ol' times. Dolly was an addition. She was a carry on; someone I had to take care of. It was worth it while it lasted, but I'm glad I'm free once more.

We had decided to get some food and drinks at the cafe. Fair Creek is a rich suburb. The high school is well known throughout the whole country. I think 2,000 people went here. Because of the school's unbeatable income, it had cafes and so many opportunities.

Sasha and I got a mocha. Gretchen got a chocolate chip scone.

We did homework quietly while consuming our goods. The silence was bittersweet, but was often ended by a joke. Laughter was a bit more at ease.

Band was fun. The first week of band was introduction. The second week of band was easy. And now, the third week of band, we were getting into the good stuff. We had three full length songs that we were learning. One was a bit tricky with the beats, another was tricky with the speed, and the last had confusing rests and such. Each song was difficult, but none were too difficult. I loved it.

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