Diary Entrees 3

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A/N: I will post another one of these at the end of the year! It's crazy how far we've gotten, isn't it?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The first couple of days back from break have been horrible. Last night, I got 4 hours of sleep! Anyways, at least the days have been eventful. I'm getting so much homework. I saw D today, which was an absolute joy. Chelsea and Sasha came with me. Wearing my lady Gaga sweater and makeup was honestly so much fun! Today was actually a pretty shit day. I got a B- on a practice test in English. I feel like a dumbass because of it. Maybe I don't deserve to do honors English next year. I also talked to the counselor about my schedule and dyed my hair today! I planned on getting lavender, but I had to settle with dark purple.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Today was actually a pretty emotional day. School was pretty fun, I guess, but it was also very stressful. I thought I didn't have much homework, and I did a lot of it yesterday, but I still spent so much time doing English homework. Today was also my last therapy session. I can't believe how far I've gotten. It's crazy that I feel so much better now with Kathleen and my good grades. I have a lot of friends, and I'm very proud of myself. Yay me!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I went to Sasha's house. Her mom was supposed to edit my paper, but she ended up shitting on it. I went home and had a panic attack. I was disappointed because I thought my paper was decent. Granted, I did overdo it, but I tried really hard on it! I was worried what Sandy would think about me. She thought I was so smart, but I was really jut a stupid piece of shit. I didn't want her to take back what she said about me. Anyways, I texted Chelsea first (more like "only"). She helps so much more than Gretchen, Sasha, or Kathleen. They're all tired of my BS. Chelsea isn't. That's why I like(d) her.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Today was actually a pretty great day. Aside from struggling on the science and French quizzes, school wasn't too bad. After school, I graded with Sandy for 2 hours. It was so much fun, and I can't wait to be a teacher. We talked about her marriage issues, my writing, and my classes. I'm so grateful to have her in my life. She's the reason I'm doing what I love. After I left, and she supplied me with sufficient homework, I came home. I sent an email to Sandy and printed out my memoir for her. Kathleen came over to watch the debate. It was pretty fun! I thought we would cuddle or something, but we both had homework to do. I actually like just hanging out.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Today was quite the interesting day. It started off with talking to Shepard. Obviously, I told him the purple hair D joke. He laughed at it like the pun keeper he is. I also asked him if he thought she was a tall, innocent mountain giraffe or a sleek, stealthy snow leopard. Shepard said she was definitely a giraffe. I win! Science still sucks. My group is full of complete idiots. I hate it. French wasn't too great either. The teacher moved me away from my friends. Health was just depressing. The speakers were great and all, but it made me think too much. After school was pretty great. Hanging out with Sandy, Emily, and Jaclyn was fantastic. We had fun grading and sorting.

Thursday, February 23, 2016

School wasn't too bad today. Classes are getting more intellectually stimulating, so there's a good chance I'll find them more interesting. I edited a picture of Shepard and made it look like we were a family. Sean keeps attempting to talk to me, especially about Emily, which is weird. After school, I told Sandy that I'm getting braces. She didn't make a big deal out of it, which was surprisingly sweet of her. I hope no one lets the cat out of the bag. After school, I got a message from Dolly. She apologized. I didn't want to be rude or insensitive, so I let the conversation go wherever it pleased, but we seemed to be doing well. She seems genuinely sorry, and I hope she is. If that girl messes with me one more time, I will seriously ruin her life.

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