Febuary 3

35 2 0

The hazardous blizzard caused school to be delayed by two hours. Roads were covered in layered snow, and the powdery substance reached nearly two feet in some areas. The wind howled in my ear and pressed against my face as I trekked to school. The usual walk, which was no more than a few dozen meters, became a tedious task.

The other science teachers greeted me warmly. Some of them genuinely enjoyed my youthful company, and I appreciated their mature company as well. I had grown particularly close to Hedging as Kathleen and I grew closer. Granted, we never spoke about her, but we grew a bond of some sort.

I would describe it as more of a sister bonding as well. She would go off on tangents about her boyfriend, website designs, and students all the time.

She wasn't the only teacher I loved, however. That morning, while I perched in my mother's room, an idea dawned upon me. I grabbed my phone and Starbucks drink as the lightbulb above my head shone brightly.

My feet pranced through the halls, carrying me down a floor and to the English department. There, I found my favorite teacher of all time. Ms. Sandberg stood by the printer when I rudely interrupted her focus.

"Sandy!" I loudly whispered. I peeked my head through the office door and grinned widely as I watched her jump aghast.

Her eyes widened until she saw me. Those icy eyes comforted me. They were unlike anything I'd ever seen before. She ran up, holding dozens of papers in her hands, and beamed at me.

She often complained about her teeth and dental health, but her smile brightened my day no matter what. Seeing her happy made me happy.

She sighed with relief. "Thank goodness you're here! I knew you'd come . . . " She murmured something inaudible to herself and looked around at the printer. "I have another Romeo and Juliet movie for you and Jaclyn to watch!"

To catch you up, considering it's been a while, Jaclyn and I are beginning to be best friends once more. The summer tore us apart, and we rarely spoke, but having her in my English class was by far the best experience I've had in a very long time. She was generally quiet and reserved, but she shared the same distinct personality traits as I. We both shipped Sandy and another English teacher, we loved the same TV shows and movies, and we LOVE to throw shade at the same people.

I cheered with excitement at the offer for another movie. Over the weekend, I managed to watch two Romeo and Juliet movies with Jaclyn at my house. It was very fun, and we both loved the play enough to fangirl about most parts.

Over the weekend, I also emailed Sandy about her ship. I've been writing a whole "fan fiction" for the ship, and it's going swimmingly! (Pun intended)


She looked back at the printer and snatched papers that had been spit out while we were conversing. "Wait here; I'll get the movie for you." She waddled off into her little office area, put away her papers, and came back with a DVD in hand. She carefully handed it over to me. She continued, "I think you'll have a very strong opinion on this one. They completely changed the beginning, but Romeo is very attractive."

I chuckled amiably and scratched the back of my head. "Sounds great!" I watched her smile a bit wider, and I added, "Anything for me to grade?"

I loved grading for Sandy. Not only was she my favorite teacher ever, but she let me annoy the shit out of her every day. As payment for annoying her, I grade for her.

I've always wanted to be a teacher. When I was an elementary school student, I wanted to be a science teacher like my mother. Now, I'm strongly considering being an English teacher. When I imagine who I want to be when I get older, I imagine Sandy. I imagine jumping on tables and teaching Shakespeare with a histrionic attitude. I want to be kind, funny, open, and sympathetic like her.

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