Chapter 12: Fuck You Very Much

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~ Dani's Pov~

???: Dani...Dani...Dani

Who the Fuck is this. I'm fucking sleep and somebody is whispering in my Fucking ear. I opened my eyes slightly and I saw a ugly Niggah.


I pulled my pepper spray from under my pillow and sprayed that nigga in his face.


The Niggah had fell on the floor. I turned on the light and got my pink solid bat from the closet. I was about to swing.

???: wait Niggah!!!
Me: Lethal??
??: Duhh
Me: why the Fuck are you in my room??
Lethal: Dont ask me no questions when u my Fucking eyes are burning. Why do you have pepper spray under your pillow.
Me: I'm black you lucky I didn't have miles gun under there. Anyway why are you in my room..
Lethal: I wanted to see if you knew where lethal was. He not answering my calls.
Me: Idk he probably gon call later when it ain't fucking 6 in the morning.
Lethal: Idk but okay.

Lethal left my room trying to text Toostie. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone to call Toostie.

* Treat Me Like Somebody*- Toostie's Ringtone

Toostie: my Niggah do you know what time it is.
Me: Yea I do and do you know that lethal came in my room looking for you?
Toostie: I'm sorry bitch but I'm just over lethal. I tried but I can't do it.
Me: then tell him that don't leave him in suspense.
Toostie:...your finna get Quan to take me home now
Me: QUAN the cute nigga who always come to get a tattoo from you.
Toostie:..Maybe look I'll explain when I get home..bye bitch.
Me: bye Hoe.

I got off the phone and then I looked at miles..his ass been sleep this whole time.

Me:Miles there is a fire
Miles:....Turn the fire off..
Me:..Ass wipe.

I got out of bed and I went to the bathroom so I could take a shower.

~ 45 Minutes Later~

I dried my hair and my body off with a pink towel , I grabbed my Red Silk robe that was on the door and then put it on.

I walked out the bathroom and I walked to my vanity and I put on my Channel Lotion. Then I walked to my closet and I but on the pink true religion dress that Miles bought for me..

I walked to my shoe closet and I got the white red bottoms that Miles bought for me as an I'm sorry present.

I walked to the full body mirror. I look sexy as shit. I grabbed my phone and took a picture for instagram.

Caption Says: What's Your Name..Who you with ...where you the shit ❤❤.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and I saw lethal sleeping on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and started to cool breakfast.

??: Hay bitch

I turned around and i saw Toostie looking happy asl

Me: Bitch you late
Toostie: I know i had stuff to do.
Me: like...
??: Yeah like

Me and Toostie turned around and we saw lethal sitting on the edge of the couch straight lurking.

Toostie: Ooh I didnt see you there.
Lethal: How could you... Where have you been..I been calling and calling.
Toostie: I didnt..what's breakfast baby Cakes.
Me: Eggs bacon rice and toast.
Toostie: Lovely.
Lethal: Aye I'm not done talking to you.
Toostie: well I'm done listening. Lethal your not gonna change. You want me to be somebody I'm not and I'm not going to.
Lethal: I'm not trying to make you be something your not. I just want you to hold on keep it low key.
Toostie: we been low key for 4 years..and I'm sorry but...
Lethal: but what...
Toostie: ...I'm done with you.
Lethal: what the Fuck are you talking about.
Toostie: I have no interest in being a mistress anymore so do you...oh wait that's what you been doing..can I have some coffee..

I poured Toostie some coffee and gave it to him. I started to put the food in plates. Lethal was looking at Toostie and Toostie was texting somebody.

Miles: Hay y'all wassup. Ooh baby give me a plate.
Dani: Boy get yo own.
Miles: was wrong with y'all.
Dani: Miles, Toostie and Lethal broke up.

Miles grabbed his plate and sat down and looked at lethal and Toostie. He looked like he was about to laugh but I hit him on the head. I looked at Toostie and he was eating...lethal walked out the room looking mad asl. Toostie looked like didnt care.

~Toostie's Pov~

* Bitch Beta Have My Money*- Radio Playing

Me: Bitch Beta Have My Money y'all should know me well enough.

I was folding the clothes in the living room trying to forget what happend this morning. I cant believe he tried it. He knew I was bound to fucking break, it wasn't a secret and now I'm trying to forget him. Earlier he grabbed a couple of his things he said he was going to stay at a friend's house I didnt give a shit.

*Twearking In The Rain*- Message.

I grabbed my phone off the coffee table. The screen said " Future-Bae"

Me: Its Quannnn

Future Bae: Hay sexy
Me: Hay lil daddy.
Future Bae: Look I had fun last night.
Me: Me too you dance so fucking good.
Future Bae: well that what I do. But I wanna know what you doing tomorrow night
Me: just eating ice cream and watching Netflix
Future Bae: Well how about you change your plans and go out to dinner with me?
Me:....Oh really
Future Bae: unless your boyfriend for a problem with that.
Me:...Boyfriend?? I aint got one but let me ask you something..are you really ready to go out on a date with the GayGod??
Future Bae: GayGod?? That sounds so tempting . I'll pick you up at 7.
Me: Okay :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Oooohhh My niggahhhh finally somebody who appeciates me.

???: Fuck you so happy for??

I turned around and miles walked in with headphones around his neck and his Apple computer in his hand. He sat on couch and looked at me waiting on an answer.

Me: life.
Miles: Nahh Niggah you happy asl looking at yo phone. Don't tell me yo hoe ass already got a replacement for lethal.
Me:...I think you should be the last one calling someone a hoe and second don't worry about my personal relationships.
Miles: Niggah what ever I'm just saying you shouldn't have done lethal like that. He been nice to yo ass and you gon dump him over bullshit. feelings are bullshit??

Okay forgive me dani but I got to set the facts on this niggah.

Me: let me tell you a story MILES. I found out I was gay when I was 13 years old.. I feel in wanna know with you???
Me: lethal...I fell in love with his ass and he knew it...He liked me too but he was too involved with others things like sports and friends to notice me.. But came graduation...He told me he loved me and he wanted to have a future with know marriage and kids..but durning that time he was pursing an acting career so he couldn't let people know he was gay so for 4 Fucking Years I've been the friend hell some people even his parents thought that Dani was his girlfriend, it used to hurt me so much but I just put a smile on my face and pretend everything was fine...he always used to say he was sorry it was always he's sorry...I'm tired of HIM being sorry and not being true to himself. And until he is true to himself and to us I'm a single Bitch. And as far as I'm concerned I don't need a fucking douche bag dj telling Me what I should do..Now Fuck You Very Much and have a Fucking Nice Day.

I grabbed the clothes that's in the bin and walked upstairs to my room. Miles was speechless asl Fuck wrong with him telling me right from wrong he need to tell his edges to calm the Fuck down.

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