Chapter 9 - Meaning

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"So why? Why would anyone want to do such a thing?" He stared at me while I took another sip of my coffee and looked out the window.

Maybe I should have just made him take me home and never agreed to go out. Last time we went out for coffee I ended up talking way more than I was supposed to. Now I had nothing to say. What could I say?

"Wes, people go through different shit in their lives. I've been through hell and back and I'm just tired okay?"

His eyes followed my gaze across the street. A bunch of boys were skating around the sidewalk. They must have been around 16 and they seemed so free; like the only thing on their minds was their skateboards.

"Dude! Life is incredible. Last year I was in a small town in Washington jamming music and now I'm recording, and about to go on tours and all. Everybody is given so many chances in life Ray, and you just can't throw that away".

The sound my name made coming out of his mouth brought a quick chill down my spine. There was something about him that kept me coming; he was magnetizing. I had to turn away from him in order to process what he just said. It's not like I hadn't heard all that before. How precious life is and how you should never let it go to waste. It was easy for him to say, his dream career was on the rise and all he had to do was what he loved: sing.

I shook my head at his words, "Easy for you to say" I mumbled.

"EASY? You think it's easy for me to say? I've been through shit as well Ray. And I'm not some party animal who just happened to be lucky enough to start a career. We have worked our ASSES OFF. But when the going got tough we didn't just give the hell up and quit!".

I smiled speechless. I spent so long thinking that no one could get how I felt because simply, I didn't want anyone to get it. It was my own excuse for giving up; no one gets how I feel. And now I was across this complete stranger, who has the same amount of experience in life and had a spark in his eye that I've never seen before.

"Wes you're gifted, in a few months from now you might be going in world tours and score as the number one band in the States. You inspire people but I... I don't make a difference." I whispered.

"You're really stupid enough to think that?". His voice now has a mocking tone, as if what I just said was completely invalid. I knew he couldn't deny it though, and I was on my feet for his answer, curious to see what he would come up with this time. He was rising to a somebody everyone would hear about, and I would always remain this nobody. "Why are you here if you make no difference?"

Of course, he had no answer. He was just asking questions. Disappointed, I shrugged and he continued. "You're here because you NEED to be here. I'm here because I love to touch people through my music," he looked at the waitress and pointed at her with his eyes, "she's here because she likes to meet new people. She might be studying in university and needs this as a part-time job, but with that gorgeous smile of hers she's attracting customers and she's making this coffee shop a better place." A tad of jealousy slid through my mind as he described her smile, but I knew everything he was talking about was right. He pointed outside and continued, "that's Jake. We skate and jam music together sometimes. His dream job is fixing cars with his dad. He loves doing it and he can fix up any type of engine in no time. I guess it's some type of... talent". I smiled, bemused.

"My point is Ray," he spoke again, "that everyone is here for a freaking reason. I know you're used to the media talking about it all the time and saying how everyone is 'special' and shit but what I've learned in my life is that it's all true. Maybe we don't hear about it all the time, but people are constantly changing the world. In some cases we don't hear about it at all. I mean, I've never heard the News Channel talk about Mr. Reckson, the mailman in my old town. He changed the world in his own little way; he was the best mailman I've ever seen!"

He paused as a tear slid down my face.

It was still pretty early in the morning and as the sun was rising higher in the sky, it had begun to reflect over the coffee shop's window. The light coming in slipped through Wes's face and hair, making his eyes sparkle even more than they usually did. He stopped talking and closed his mouth, shaping it into a faint smile. It was unfair to call him a stranger anymore because he had understood me so much better than people I had known for years and years. Time doesn't play a role in anything after all. I felt like I knew him forever, and like he heard what I needed to say, without having to hear it.

Staring into his eyes, I picked myself up and leaning above the table, reached for his lips. I stopped right in front of his face, feeling his warm breath as another tear made its way through. Maybe all we need after all is someone to tell us these things every day and remind us that there's always a point. So I leaned in, under the morning sun and had my first kiss with Wes and for once, I felt calm and I felt happy. Truly, genuinely happy.


WOOOT WOOOT yess this IS their first kisss... but we have a long way to go still until she finally realizes how much he means to her :D .. or not? haha ohh the suspense! please vote and comment what you think it really means a lot to me!! if you have any questions or just wanna talk send me a message ;D till next time, lovely readers <3

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