Chapter 26 - Accepted

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 "AND DON'T BE A STRANGER!" My sister and mom said in unison through the gate corridor entrance.

"I won't! I promise!" I laughed back and answered loudly. I grasped Wesley's hand in my palm and clutched his fingers between mine. It felt pretty good going back, at least under these circumstances. I felt ready to go exploring around California for the summer and spend time with Wes and of course quit my pointless job which was sucking the life out of me. And I most certainly wasn't going to miss my drunken disrespectful co-workers. I'd finally have time to enjoy myself... and my new boyfriend for that matter. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and unlocked the screen to find a message from Jake.

-Sorry I didn't get to say bye. I'll visit soon. Wes seems like a great guy, you deserve it. Miss you already, Jake. 

"Aw, he's a good guy, Ray!" Wes was looking over at my phone.

"HEY!" I shoved him away.

"Oh didn't you know? Being you boyfriend gives me the privilege of stalking you and your calls and messages twenty-four seven!" he teased and kissed my forehead playfully. There wasn't such a big crowd travelling to California, surprisingly so all the procedures went by pretty fast. Our plane was pretty quiet as well, filled with a bunch of businessmen and a couple of love birds here and there. This was perfect because I had some great news I wanted to share with Wesley, and peace and quiet would be perfect to do so.  When we got settled in our seats, I couldn't help myself and hold in what I had to tell him.

"So babe, you know how I told you I was expecting results any time around these days?" I played around with my hair nervously.

He noticed my way of talking and looked at me suspiciously, "Yeah...?"

"Well, two results came in yesterday in our mail. I didn't want to tell you earlier but..."

"YEAH?" He was at the edge of his seat.

"Berry University in Georgia accepted me! And..."

"Oh. That's good... well hmm, yeah that's great, I guess, yeah, great.." He sighed.

"Ehem! And...UCLA..." I smiled wide.

"WHAT? DUDE NO WAY! THAT IS RAD!" He pushed me back in my seat and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"E-excuse me," the passenger from the front seat turned around, "Try to keep it down children!"

"My GIRLFRIEND got accepted to UC FUCKING LA! YOU keep it down!" Wes barked back, "I'm so proud of you Ray! Why didn't you tell me!"

"I don't know.. I thought this was the right time. Anyway nothing is for sure yet, but most likely... well I mean this is my dream school and it's pretty close to you... well closer than a three-hour flight anyway!" I rubbed his cheeks which were burning red.

We spent the rest of the flight sharing kisses and laughing about anything we could come up with. We continued talking about stories from our childhood and our school years. Wes is absolutely amazing. He's everything I ever wished for, and so, so much more. When we weren't talking, we were both thinking the same thing. My going to college so close to where he lived meant only one thing. We were going to be together almost all the time. And when we weren't together, we could just drive to one another and... be together. Which meant... we would be together. Which meant.. shit was getting real.

"Hey babe," Wes grabbed my arm," look I wanted to tell you this but..."

"What?" I almost panted.

"Well, you know things have really spiced up with the band and all, and we're almost done with our first album and well Ray, we're thinking of going on tour around the US." He smiled.

So maybe shit wasn't so real after all. He was right, I couldn't blame him, he couldn't possibly spend the whole summer with me. It was completely nonsense. And I probably had screwed up majorly with this college-next-to-him idea, we were 19 for fuck's sake. No time for serious relationships when I was about to enter four stable years of college and he was about to enter about four decades of a massive crazy music career filled with alcohol, popularity, girls, parties and absolute chaos. It was insane. And somehow, I didn't feel okay with it. I didn't feel okay with him dancing with other girls, singing to other girls, performing for other girls, even thinking or looking at other girls, LET ALONE take pictures with them. I wasn't okay with having to live without the guy who saved my life and had made it worth living. I wasn't okay with being the depressed, purposeless being that I used to be.

"Ray?" He was saying something.

"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear.." I mumbled speechlessly.

"Look Ray, don't be like this. No way in hell I want to be away from you right now. All I wanna do IS be with you. It's just.. everything's so pressuring with our careers and all and Dad says that if we want to actually succeed, we need to go that extra mile. And right now that extra mile is having concerts so people can learn about us and what we want to do. But as I was saying.. come with me."

"Come with you? Where? Do what?"

"Come on the tour Ray! I mean, I'm not sure we can let the whole world know that a girl is travelling on our bus with us... but I'm sure the crew will understand. And besides... we'll be back before college finishes and then the whole summer is ours!"

Of course, AS ALWAYS, we had to talk for hours until we finally came up with a misunderstanding. In this case, the misunderstanding was that Wes wasn't leaving for another four weeks or so, and then he would be busy just for two weeks until all the other tours started. So things weren't as bad as they seemed.

I figured, since I'm going to college next year and my financial situation was pretty decent, I didn't have the need to stay in work for another day. I was going to quit as soon as the plane landed. Well, maybe tomorrow because they might be closed by the time I get there. But the point was... I was meant to do this. I'm going to spend time with Wes, I'm going to go to college and hell I was finally going to start doing something with my life. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. Have fun and do something with my life. Do something with my life. I liked the sound of that.


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