Chapter 18 - Arrival

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Describing the arrival procedures is impossible because all I can remember is thinking about Jake and how I would soon see him. My body was working like a robot. Tripping over my luggage twice, I was too occupied to realize that I had just come out of the gates, until i heard Jake's voice calling me name. Everyone seemed to freeze and suddenly my lungs were lacking oxygen. There was a deafening silence and it seemed to me that the only thing my ears could hear was my beating heart. The airport seemed empty in my eyes, with only one figure standing ahead of me. My first love. And he hadn't changed a bit. His eyes were still as piecing as ever and the tint of red still occupied both of his cheeks, leading all the way up to his blonde hair. Still muscled and worked-out, his body was leaning on the wall and I felt magnetized to run into his arms again.

Regaining my senses, I felt my sister tug at my sleeve for me to get out of the middle of the doorway. I was blocking all the passengers, and I quickly hopped out of the way, still fixating my eyes on Jake. The months that had passed had wiped his smile off my memory. It was heaven. It made his face glow and made my heart beat faster. Running now towards him, I dropped my baggage and hid my face in his arms, feeling safe and loved.

"God I missed you" the words slipped out of my mouth.

He pushed me back out of his bear hug, clutching my face between his palms and scanning my whole body.

"You lost weight," he said skeptically, " but you're still the most gorgeous girl on the planet!"

We laughed at each other for a while, until Jessica fake-coughed and interrupted our re-union.

"I'd love to sit here and watch, while you guys ignore me but we have to be at home in ten minutes for dinner!" she explained ironically.

"Alright Miss Complainer! Just catching up, let's go!" Jake joked back.

He was such a gentleman. Ever since we had met, he never let me open a door for myself. Sure enough once again, he carried both our luggage and didn't tolerate any protests.

"So how have you been?" he asked when we were in the car, as soon as my sister plugged in her earphones.

"Oh, good." What a statement. "Just getting adjusted to Cali. Work, home, work, you know..." I smiled.

"Good! Being busy is good! Things here have been busy as well. Trent moved away last month to his grandparents in Chicago. He was offered a job in the local airport there." He said monotonously.

"Oh really?" I couldn't care less. We both couldn't. But none of us was ready to speak our minds. So the conversation fell over pretty quickly, and we ended up just listening to the radio. Being back at home, I couldn't help but think of Wesley. How we would drive around singing along to his radio. God I missed him already and I barely knew him. I just hope he doesn't find someone else when I'm gone.

Before we reached the house, Jake finally broke the ice, cutting into my thoughts.

"So you wanna hit Yogli Mogli's after dinner? It's been a while. And we can talk there. Like the old days."

Oh God. First reference to the old days. Ever since Yogli Mogli had opened up, we used to go together every day after class during high school and grab a frozen yogurt. We would talk uncontrollably and about anything. Homework and make-outs were just another part of our schedule together.  So going back to our place meant a lot. And firstly it meant we were going to have a talk. A long talk. But I wasn't nervous to be honest, because he was Jake. My Jake, who I loved and had missed.

"Sure, I'd love to g-" stopping my phrase, I reached swiftly for my bag and searched within for my ringing phone. "Hi Wes," I almost whispered, "Yeah. It was fine. I'll call you later okay? You too."

While I was talking, Jake had parked the car in the driveway of my house. And now there was no motion but silence. There was too much on my mind though, to wait for him to ask who Wes was, so I saved us all the trouble and leaped out of the car. We opened the trunk and picking up my bag, Jake smiled reassuringly and winked.

"Good luck Ray."

And I would definitely need it.


very short chapterrr I know, but I will be updating soon don't you worry!

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Talk soon lovelies xx

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