Chapter 24 - Consequences of a Party

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"Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed it! Thank you! Yes, we did too! Bye! Thank you!" My constant flow of answers were the replies of comments, as tired and sweaty bodies walked out our door. The living room clock chimed six o'clock.

"Great job"

"Dope party"

"Happy birthday to your sister"

"Nice party"

I couldn't keep up as they were leaving with compliments about the night we had provided. It was incredible. It was beyond anything I had ever imagined, and hoped I could organize for my sister. In the few times I caught sight of her, she was laughing and dancing wildly. We both deserved it.

When the last person walked out and the house was quiet, I shut the door and then shut my eyes, walking blindly to the staircase. I was so tired that even seeing the house and imagining the work we'd have to do tomorrow to fix it up, was going to make me sick. Wes was already in bed I assumed, because he was under the bed sheets and I couldn't see his body at all. I cuddled in his arms and as soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep.

"Baby, it was amazing." He whispered at some point but I was too tired to reply. His voice felt strange but I assumed it was because we were both so exhausted.

What seemed like a minute later, I opened my eyes and looked at my phone to check the time. 13:41. My parents are going to be delighted. I had to grit my teeth as I got up, because my head felt like it was going to explore. The house stank with smells of alcohol, smoke, candy and sweat.

"Good morning!" my sister smiled as I stepped in the kitchen. It was sparkling clean.

"Are you crazy? I'm going to do everything. Go back to bed and get some rest and we'll talk in the afternoon!" I screamed lowly, not having enough energy for a yell, realizing that she had picked up all the trash and tidied the kitchen and living room. Poor thing, this was supposed to be all about her and just because it wasn't her birthday anymore didn't mean she had to pick everything up. I was glad to see her so happy though. She was glowing and was almost dancing as she put the plates and glasses from on cabinet to the other.

"It's fine don't worry. It's my way of saying thank you. I made you coffee too and frankly the living room wasn't that hard to clean up!" she smiled again, "Ray... last night.... was the best night of my life. Thank you." she hugged me tightly, " I can't believe you did all that for me! And Wes! He was such an awesome DJ! But about that..." her voice drifted off, but I was too tired to notice.

"Sweetie I'm glad you had fun. You really needed it. We both needed it. I think everyone is going to remember your birthday now!" I winked playfully and grabbed a seat by the counter, dropping my head down and closing my eyes again. "I am so tired." I whined.

"I would be too!! You were the life of the party, sis! I'm so proud!!!!!" she almost began jumping up and down at the memory. I didn't want to know more.

Finally re-gaining my strength, I took a few sips of my coffee and by the time I started walking around the house I was feeling much better.

"Look by the way... " my sister began but was interrupted by a loud "CRAP" as I spilled coffee on my thigh and burned myself.

"Where's Jake?" I asked curiously, suspicious of her attempts of trying to tell me something. Poor thing, he had helped me set the whole thing up, convinced me to dance and have fun, and then I had forgotten all about him.

"Last time I checked he was in your bed!" my sister grinned. 

Crap.  No wonder Wesley sounded different. IT WASN'T HIM.

I spoke the word 'shit' over a dozen times as I ran up the stairs two by two. I slammed the door behind me getting in my room and jumped on the bed, shoving Jake aside.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled in his ear.

I must have sounded like a broken alarm clock, because I had yet to recover from my hangover which was apparently making my voice sound disgusting. Anyway, Jake was completely caught off guard and jumped up at my yells, falling flat on his face on the floor.

"Are you psycho?" he asked, rubbing his forehead sorely.

"What are you doing in my bed? Where's Wes?" I moaned.

"I DON'T KNOW. It's not like I remember shit from last night. Jesus," he widened his eyes taking a look at me, " and what the hell is wrong with your hair?" he laughed drunkenly.

I ignored his last remark, but tied my hair in a bun just in case. There was a new problem. My boyfriend was missing.  


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