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  Imagine your OTP missing each other, because Person A lives 600 (or more) miles away from Person B. They can't video chat all the time because of school. Now imagine them finally reuniting after 3+ years, smiling and laughing and crying.
and a mix with
Imagine your OTP being in a long distance relationship, over a Skype call person B tells person A that they won't be able to make the planned visit. Person A is devasted and cries almost every day. Two days later Person A comes home from school/work and goes to their room, to their surprise they find Person B sitting in their desk chair, just casually saying "Hey love.."
an: y/nn - your nickname and y/bf/n - your best friend's name

Matt was over two thousand miles away from you, and it hurt not to see him or talk to him in person. You two were only college students with him in North Carolina, and you in Southern California. Whenever you were free, he wasn't, and vice versa. The only time you two could really talk was a treat, and it was on Sundays, your favorite day. It has been a long three and a half years that you guys left for college.. you could remember the depart scene like it was yesterday.

Three Years Ago

Fresh out of high school with your best friend, Matthew Patrick, you two were sadly parting to go to college. "I'm going to miss you and Ohio," you stated, barely gazing into his eyes. "Yeah, I'm definetely going miss you, and of course, Ohio," he replied, with his backpack on his back and dorm furniture stuffed into the trunk of his car. Your stuff was already in your car. Matt grinned sheepishly as you two got closer and gave a tender hug to each other. "Will you see me when it's possible, Y/NN?" he asked. Breaking loose of the hug that was going on a tad bit awkwardly long, "Yeah, I definetely will, MatPat." you chuckled. Waving goodbye to your best friend, you hopped into your car and took one last look at him before driving away.

Current Time

It was a lazy Sunday, watching some shows on Netflix while studying at the same time. You were mulling over a lame textbook when your computer next to you started coming alive with a Skype call. Quickly answering it, you set the book down and put the computer on your lap. "Hey, Y/N! How're you?" Matthew, your best friend and secret crush, greeted you. "Heey, Matt! I've been good, catching up on shows and studying. How are things over there?" You grinned, asking. "Oh, you know, the normal. But I got some bad news sadly."

"And what could they be, Matpat?" Now you were suddenly worried and concerned. "Well, you know how we arranged to meet, right? I-I don't think I'll be able to make it. Sorry." Your heart sunk to your stomach. "Oh.. that's ok. Uh, I'm kinda busy so I gotta go, sorry Matt. Bye." You quickly ended the call, and closed your laptop lid, crying. Y/bf/n was really concerned, so they came over to your desk and comforted you. "Y/nn, what's the matter? Are you ok? Did something happen to Matt?" They asked questions, and you only replied with a sentence. "He can't make it." Your best friend's face fell, and whispered, "Oh. But.. hey, I can cheer you up. Why don't we go get Chinese?" You honestly did not feel like eating at all. "I'm fine, just, I need to be left alone. But thanks for trying."

Time Skip

Your classes flew by in a flurry, and it's been two days. You haven't heard word from Matt ever since that Skype call on Sunday, and it's Tuesday. Lumbering into your doorway, the dorm room seemed awfully.. quiet. Y/BF/N usually had music playing in her dorm room, and there were another set of shoes on the shoe mat, so you assumed that her boyfriend was over. Hanging up your class bag on a hanger, you made your way to Y/BF/N's room. The door was closed, so you decided to leave her alone but let her know you were here. "Hey, Y/BF/N, I'm home. Just letting you know, don't bother me. I'm... busy."

Bored, you decided to go into your room. The door was closed, strange, it was open when you left. Everything seemed to be in place with your little desk in the corner with the chair facing the corner with your trusty laptop and embarrassing little sketches and notes. Your favorite one was one of Matt. The bed seemed inviting, but your computer was more inviting. Not caring, you just headed over to your computer, turning around your chair to expect an empty chair only to see...

"Matt! Oh my god, I thought you.. I thought you couldn't make it.." You started to cry tears of happiness, and he was grinning. "Hey love, it's good to see you smile. He took your face in his hands, and kissed you on the lips. "I saw the drawing, and I feel the same way. I love you, Y/NN, I would never back out on meeting you again." You began chuckling softly along with him, and spoke. "Thank you so much, MatPat, I thought you were for real. I love you so much."

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